Help! My angelfish are hating each other!


New Member
Nov 5, 2020
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North Carolina
So to start off I have a 46 gallon bow front aquarium. I bought 6 angelfish a little over a year ago as little tiny babies. My have they grown! So first I had a pair off, that resulted in eggs, they became super aggressive and I bought them their own tank and gave them a couple of Corys as company. That left me with 4 in my community tank, and they have paired off. I do believe one pair of them are 2 females. Either way, now each pair constantly attack each other! There are no eggs, neither pair has ever had any eggs that I’ve seen. I’m worried they will hurt each other. Should I separate them and leave one pair in the tank? They have live plants, and couple of super tall fake ones to help keep the privacy, but they still go charging after each other and ramming each other. I don’t know what to with them anymore. ? The one with the Dark stripes pictured is the most aggressive. But it’s always the striped one and the yellow one that are fighting most of the time. White and yellow are a pair and the dark striped and orange are a pair.


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Angelfish can be aggressive to the members of their own spices especially once they pair off. The new pairs didn't have pairs because they feel unsafe and threatened. I suggest you take the pairs out and put them in their separate tanks. The tank was too small to house 6 grown angelfish so you can't keep more then 4 in there but only if they are non aggressive to each other. I suggest that you take out the pair and let them breed, you can get into breeding angels (I been trying to get into that run into some complications). Definitely take out the trouble makers first. I would suggest that you get another tank get the male and a female in the tank and see if your two pairs will breed. If they do and thats something you are interested in you can sell the fish to your local fish store. Keep the two females in the tank the 46gallon for now. Don't add any new fish because you might want to add a male or two in the future to get another breeding pair. Good luck!
Angelfish can be aggressive to the members of their own spices especially once they pair off. The new pairs didn't have pairs because they feel unsafe and threatened. I suggest you take the pairs out and put them in their separate tanks. The tank was too small to house 6 grown angelfish so you can't keep more then 4 in there but only if they are non aggressive to each other. I suggest that you take out the pair and let them breed, you can get into breeding angels (I been trying to get into that run into some complications). Definitely take out the trouble makers first. I would suggest that you get another tank get the male and a female in the tank and see if your two pairs will breed. If they do and thats something you are interested in you can sell the fish to your local fish store. Keep the two females in the tank the 46gallon for now. Don't add any new fish because you might want to add a male or two in the future to get another breeding pair. Good luck!
When I bought them they were all babies and very tiny, I wanted them to be able to pair off, the first pair I took out but apparently the others paired off and hate the other 2. My first pair have their own tank and have been laying eggs every 2 weeks, the male runs right behind her and fertilizes but the eggs almost always turn white or get eaten by the end of day 2. But I think your right, the other pair needs their own tank, thank you!
If you're going to breed Angels be prepared for LOTS of babies! I had a pair that bred once and made over 100 babies in one batch. Took a few months to get them to a size i could sell.

Oh wow! How did you get the babies to hatch!? I’ve been trying for months!
I let the parents do the work. They fan the eggs with their fins to keep them from going mouldy.

I only took the parents out after the babies hatched because they were preparing to lay even more eggs and i would have been overrun by babies.

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