Weird lesions/bumps/white spot on the head.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2021
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I rescued this betta fish 12 days ago from a pet store.
I got him with a ripped tail, curled fins, very skinny and lesions surrounded by bumps and a white spot coming out of one of the bumps next to his eye and that area is a bit lighter in colour too.
He is not lethargic and eating well.
The random white dots are on the glass not him (except the one left side of his eye that is bigger).
He is doing great so far. He put some weight on and getting bluer/more turquoise.
My main concern is that it might be a hole in the head disease.
His eyes are fine, no stringy poo, no other indications of illness.
I haven't treated with anything so far since I thought it was just a wound.
Any ideas of what it could be? And what medicine could help?

The tank setup is 8 months old
Tanks size: 70L
Temperature: 26 Celcius
Sponge filter with an airstone (low flow)
I do 20% water change weekly or biweekly depending on the readings.
I got 80+ cherry shrimp and 6 nerite snails in the same tank
I feed 4 Omega Sea Betta Buffet pellets twice a day, bloodworms twice a week, fasting once a week
Water parameters: Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, Gh 140, Kh 7, Ph 7.2, Cl2 0
I dose Seachem Flourish once a week


Are you speaking of the lump near the base of his tail?

Also, in picture #2, is that white bump on the glass or on him?
I am talking about his head. The white bump on his gill on picture 2 is not on him. The one next to his eye on both pictures concerns me with all these bumps and lesions there.
It is hard to take a picture since he doesn't float still, but it's like small holes and around them there are bumps and on one bump there is that white spot. The right side of his head is clean and smooth.
It is hard to take a picture since he doesn't float still, but it's like small holes and around them there are bumps and on one bump there is that white spot. The right side of his head is clean and smooth.
Did you ever find out what this is because I have two bettas same pet store from same tank both female who have this two and I started with 4 of them but two of them died one for no reason the other because a stink bug fell in her water
Not yet. I guess I will get an extra small sponge filter and heater to seed it in my tank and if he gets worse I will set up a quarantine tank and treat him for parasites and fungus. For now, he is eating and is very energetic.
I read somewhere that this could happen cause of poor water quality and malnourishment (that's exactly how he was kept in the pet store) but since I haven't seen a huge improvement, I decided to ask for some advice.
Update: I decided to catch him today and inspect it more closely. It looks like a worm or maggot, once I got close with tweezers (soft edges, don't worry) it went back into his skin.
I will set up a quarantine tank and treat for parasites. Any suggestions on what brand would be the best and is sold in the UK?
Try Flubendazole or Praziquantel

Check out section 3 of the following link. It has different medications in the UK and tells you about intestinal worms in fish. If it is a parasitic worm, it is probably from livestock and got lost in the fish. So instead of living in the digestive tract, it is living in the face.
Thank you! I already ordered treatment. Although not any of the brands mentioned in the article, it treats the same things. At least he is still eating and gaining weight, his fins started growing and he is changing colour slowly. I just don't want him to get worse now that we've done some good progress.
Just to add to your list, Colin, Maidenhead Aquatics is a nationwide chain of fish stores and they sell their own brand medications. Their AquaCare Anti Fluke and Wormer has exactly the same formulation as NT Labs Anti Fluke and Wormer (and may even be the same product). Since there are branches of Maidenhead Aquatics everywhere, it may well be easier to get hold of the AquaCare version.
I got Waterlife Sterazin that will be delivered tomorrow and I will start treatment on Saturday.
When you get the Sterazin, can you tell us what the ingredients are, please. Waterlife's website doesn't give them. Then we can add it to the list.
On the bottle says Acriflavine 340mg/L, Malachite Green 545/mg/L, Piperazine Citrate 2040mg/L, and Formaldehyde as a stabilizer.
I received everything today so he is already in with medicine 30mins now. He doesn't look stressed, just swimming and exploring around. I Will keep an eye on him and let you know how it went and if his head gets better. If it goes well I might buy protozin and myxazin too, for new fish and him.
Don't buy chemicals/ medications unless you need them.

Waterlife Protozin and Myxazin do the same thing but Myxazin is less stressful on fishes because it is a lower dose rate. However, all chemicals are stressful to fish and should only be used as a last resort.

Most fish health issues are caused by poor water quality and keeping them in a clean tank should prevent any disease outbreaks.

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