Vote Now! - February 2021 Tank of the Month (31 Gallons and larger)

Vote Now for February Tank of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

Tank of the Month
We have 10 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' February 2021 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 31 US gallons and larger. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of this thread and click on your choice for TOTM and then click the "Cast" button.

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on.

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. This thread will be cleaned up occasionally for best readability.

Poll will close on February 14th at 5 PM ET (US). We at thank you for your participation.
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Tank Size: 170L/37g
Age of setup: around 10 months - work in progress
Water parameters: NO2/3 - 0mg/l, GH - 4d, KH -3d, pH - 6.8
Fert Used: easy life profito and liquid Carbon
Lighting: unsure as second hand but Fluval LED on around 5-7 hours a day.
Aeration: none other than water movement
Filtration: Beta external canister filter 1050
Tank maintenance: fortnightly quarter water change. clean filter & change half of sponge media every 3 months. Regular plant trims.
Stocking: 1 pair golden and 1 pair electric blue rams, 2 SAE, 1 Cory, 8 cardinal tetra, 4 rummy nose, 6 Lampeye killifish, 6 amano shrimp.
Feeding: 2 days then miss a day. Flake (tetra or king British) one day, live frozen (various) the next. Also drop in catfish pellets or algae wafer every couple of days for the Cory and shrimps.
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February 2021 TFF TOTMa.jpg

I am not an aquascaper but I am proud of this tank as it has been my most successful in my five years of learning how to be a good fish keeper. It is an all-natural aquarium with driftwood found locally. I build my own stands and canopy. This stand is a plain open painted stand and the canopy is my first ever, so it has several mistakes, but I make it work.
55-gallon aquarium set up on June 6, 2020
Lighting: Nicrew
Aqua-soil: Homemade
Substrate Cap: Pea Pebbles
Filter: Sunsun HW-3000 canister.
Fertilizer: Liquid Thrive Complete.
Live Plants: Amazon Swords, Moneywort, Temple Plants.
Fish: 2 Veil Tale Angel Fish, 8 Red-Eyed Tetras, 7 Albino Corys, 2 Bristle Nose Plecos, 1 HIll Stream Loach, Several Snails.
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My Roma 200 thats been up and running for around 9 months now. I've had some trials and tribulations with this tank and the inhabitants. From rehoming the beautiful yet boisterious Odessa barbs that attacked the peppered corydoras (which in turn meant I gained a second tank!), to raising a dozen peppered fry. Its all been very entertaining and Ive enjoyed sharing all this with you lovely lot. Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions along the way ??

Lots of Red Cherry Shrimp
Lots of Malaysian Trumpet Snails
12 x Black Phantom Tetra
24+ x Peppered Corydoras
>>on the shopping list are Lemon tetra, black neon tetra and flame tetra>>

Water stats...
Temp 21-22c
GH 5.7
PH 7.5

APS 1400 (external canister)
Outlet is a spray bar
Also have a small internal powerhead back-left corner behind the sword for extra circulation

Fluval 3.0 LED Plant

Sand (argos playsand)
TNC "root plugs"

Ferts n stuff...
TNC Complete (3ml per day)
TNC Iron (occasionally)
Seachem Prime
Water changes once per week @50%
Co2 injection (fire extinguisher with co2 art dual reg)

Echinodorus Impai -
This is the huge sword back-left (starting to think its a bit too huge ?)

Alternanthera reineckii -
I love red plants

Crypt crispulata -
I've recently replaced a vallis jungle with this, back-right.

Clinopodium Brownei, alternanthera rosefolia, hygrophila lancea, dwarfsag

hydrocotyle leucocephala (Brazilian Pennywort):
This is the stuff at the front tangled around couple of branches of oak

Frogbit and golden pothos

couple of pieces of bogwood
some java moss

Thanks for looking and good luck everyone
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This is my 36 gallon bowfront, I purchased the tank in sept-oct 2020

Substrate: fluval Stratum

Water: "ShrimpMineral" remineralized RO
Ph: 6
Kh: 3
Gh: 3

Co2 injection: Yes

Filter: fluval 307 W/ 2 kilos biohome ultimate

Ferts: nilocg shrimp safe liquid, and iron
Flourish, and homemade osmocot capsules.
I fertilize by intuition and carefully observing the plants.

Lights: two 48W hyggar led fixtures with built in timers and sunrise, sunset mode (love it!)

Dwarf saggitaria
Amazon sword
Red sword
Vesuvius sword
Xmas moss
Java moss
Riccia fluitans
Ludwegia repens
Hyphaloma aromatica
Rotala rotundifolia
The driftwood is a piece of sandblasted grapewood I bought at an antique mall a few years ago and used as decoration in my house.

60 odd shrimp (neo's, amano, and ghost)
12 neon tetras
12 harlequin rasbora's
14 forktailed rainbow fish
6 panda Cory's
5 Otocinclus
6 adult guppy (dumbo ear red ribbon dragon and platinum dumbo ear)
Around 20 odd guppy juveniles and fry
And one lone celestial pearl danio male that was accidentally sent with the rasbora's and apparently finds neon tetras quite attractive.
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Hello all!
Im presenting my 50G (36"×15wx22h) planted tank. Its 3 months old and an upgrade from a previous 36G bowfront.
Parameters are: Temp at 77F, 0/0/20, Ph 6.4-7.2 depending on what time of day I test due to CO2 injection. KH and GH at 6.
Water changes are done weekly and 30% is changed using 60/40 RO to tap.
Lighting is Finnex ALC supplemented with a Finnex Vivid+.
Filtration consist of a Sunsun 303B filled with sponges and Matrix. Also a Seachem Tidal 55 is used for surface skimming and chemical media (Purigen)
Tank inhabitants
2 Honey Gouramis
5 Rummynose Tetras
4 Rummynose Rasboras
8 Neon Tetras
7 Harlequin Rasboras
6 CPDs
4 Otos
2 Hillstream Loaches
4 Panda Corys
Amazon Sword
Pogostemon Stellatus
Water Sprite
Ludwigia Repens
AR mini
Mermaids Weed
Various Anubias
Various Cryptocorynes
Rotola Macandra
Thank you!
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View attachment 128379

New setup 75 gallons

The wood pieces were collected off a trail behind my house. Fifty plus years ago, they removed the railroad tracks which allow the shrubs to flourish. But the trees slowly came in and block the sun, the shrubs slowly died off over many years. The tank will be a home to schools of Tiger Barbs, Odessa Barbs and Serpae Tetras. I just discovered Odessa Barbs and found some at a Petco store, hard to believe.

For plants, I did add a couple bags of Eco Complete then covered it with red gravel. One corner of the tank is currently planted with Moneywort, Vallisneria spiralis will go into the other corner. I also have Red Ludwigia repens, some crypt and dwarf hairgrass on order. I need to keep plenty of open swim space for the barbs and will keep the planting at 'controlled' level.

The aquarium has a custom sump filter system with on overflow box and Herbie drain system. The pump is an Lifeguard Quiet One 3000, estimate flow rate at 500 gph. The stand is custom made (I bought the doors).

It's been 20+ year since my last aquarium, I am quite excited on this tank. It was my bright spot during a very depressing year.



36 gallon corner bowfront. I find this tank the most difficult to photograph- it always appears smaller than what it is. Tank has been continuously running since ~2005. It has had a variety of occupants over the years, as well as its share of disasters and algae blooms.
Current occupants are 2 Marble Angelfish, 7 White Skirted Tetras, 7 Black Skirted Tetras, 7 Emerald Corys, 1 Pepper Cory (not sure how that happened), 2 Bentosi Tetras (last of 7- now 5 years old), and 7 (I seem to like that number) Mystery snails.
I decided to try a planted tank so have added anubias, java, cobomba, anacharis, ludwigia, banana plant, and a couple crypts (I think).
Heater is an Eheim.
Lighting are two Current Satellite 24". Light are on from 4:30 - 7:30 AM, then at 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. I feed normally at 4:30 - 5:00 AM Tetra or Omega flakes with Bug Bites on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Mini blood worms and Tetra/Omega flakes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No noms on Sunday.
Substrate is Seachem Flourite.
50 % water change every Saturday using Seachem Prime and at that time I add 3ml of Aquarium Co-op Easy Green (just started using this -) I also may add Seachem Flourish occasionally.
I used to use Seachem Excel, but discontinued as I wanted to have anacharis. So far, no algae outbreaks.
Filtration is a Fluval 305 with Purigen, bio media, and sponges. Air stone in the center under the substrate and two that are attached to the back walls of the tank.
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here is our 40g aquarium. It has bala sharks, loaches, geos, a red parrot, black widow and a frontosa. Our community tank. We also have a 180g with bigger fish ?. We do 20-40% water changes done bi-weekly. They eat a variety of foods. Tetra: color plus flakes and pro color crisps. They also eat spiraling 20. Hope you enjoy outlr 40g.
filteration: fluval 407 cannister filter.
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Newly acquired, 60 gallons, freshwater, cabinet handmade. Just got the rocks. This weekend cleaning, ordering heater and decor. Do I know what fish I want? No. Leaning heavily on angel fish and call me crazy but guppies can be really pretty! Let the games begin!
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Hey all
This is my 2 month old 52g work in progress.
I do a 50% water change every friday using seachem prime.

Water peramters
Temp 26c
Ph 7.4
Kh 4

Aquamanta efx 300 external canister

1 red tail black shark
6 tiger barbs
6 green barbs
3 odessa barbs
3 bengal (Botia dario) loaches

Fluval aquasky 2.0 led

Seachem flourish

Feeding every night with tetra pro colour crisp, catfish pelletts and frozen bloodworm twice a week.
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End of Entries:
Please slowly scroll up as you review the 10 entries and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of the thread.

In mid February, we will be accepting entries for our Fish of the Month contest. This month we will feature Angelfish. If you have an Angelfish, get your photos ready for the contest.

Thanks for participating in our contests. Without your participation, these contests wouldn't be possible.
We have a tie right now. If you haven't voted, yet, please be sure to vote to help break the tie.
Reminder: you are allowed to CHANGE your vote if you wish.

Starting right now is our Fish of the Month contest This month we will feature Angelfish. If you have an Angelfish, get your photos ready for the contest.
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Congratulations to Razzmatazz on your 50 gallon nicely planted tank. Well deserved win.

You may congratulate Razzmatazz in the winner's thread. Just click on link below:
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