Small white.... things.


Fish Guru
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Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
Sorry for the terrible photos, but does anyone have a clue what these things are?

At first I thought shrimp poop. They aren’t moving, but they all seem to be the same shape/size.

I had the filter off for a while, so that may have something to do with it.
Sorry for the terrible photos, but does anyone have a clue what these things are?
View attachment 127774
At first I thought shrimp poop. They aren’t moving, but they all seem to be the same shape/size.

I had the filter off for a while, so that may have something to do with it.
i think i see a little ramshorn snail? maybe some shrimp poops that got "unsucked" from the filter and started to float around
i think i see a little ramshorn snail? maybe some shrimp poops that got "unsucked" from the filter and started to float around
I was kind of thinking poop of some sort.

Never mind, they are gone. Think it was just from the filter, because it was turned off, thanks!

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