Vote Now - January 2021 Pet of the Month contest

Vote Now for January 2021 Pet of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have 13 interesting pets entered into January 2021 Pet of the Month Contest. View all the pets and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for POTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific pet in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken.

Poll will close on January 31st at 1:03 PM EST (US).
Thread will periodically be cleaned up for readability.
We at thank you for your participation
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This is Popcorn. She is almost 6 months old now. My mom found her in the street when she was only 2-3 wks old. Her eyes were both swollen shut. She was so weak she could hardly cry. Mom was at work, so she called my dad. He brought her home wrapped in a little rag and handed her to me. I gently washed her face with a warm cloth while my dad went to the store for some kitten formula. Poor little thing fell asleep on my chest curled up in my sweatshirt.

Fast forward 5 months, she is still my baby. She is feisty though. She’s always been a spunky thing, and now I call her my little maniac. She is crazy, and I’m pretty sure she would rule the whole neighborhood if she could get outside. She’s a calico tabby mix. Cutest thing I ever seen. Loves to climb and bite things. If she attacks you, that means she likes you. Biting is her love language. And popcorn is her favorite food (thus the name). She was so hungry she tried to climb into my bowl of popcorn when my dad first brought her home as a kitten.
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This is Pip. He is a one year old silver sable banded long haired Syrian hamster. (What a mouthful!) I got him from a hamster breeder when he was a few weeks old. He is related to all my past hamsters. At first, Pip (or Pippy, as I sometimes call him) was tiny and squirmy and he hated being held. But eventually he let me hold him. Now he will fall asleep on my chest. Once I even caught him dreaming! He moved his hands to his mouth and made chewing noises, I think he was dreaming about eating sunflower seeds, his favorite treat! Pippy eats Kaytee fortidiet lab blocks, with none of that unhealthy hamster food. But I make him hamster treats. Every Sunday he eats pancakes. But he gets other treats too! A cake on his birthday, pudding on Christmas, carrot cake on New Years... all made with safe ingredients, of course! In the picture he is eating a yummy strawberry tart!
Pip and his brother Elric also have their own Instagram account! He is such a sweet boy and I will cherish the time I have with him.
Thanks for reading and good luck everyone!
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This is my Mystery Snail, Eduardo Vasquez. I have had him for almost 3 months now. He is the only snail I have right now. He spends most of his time in Squidward's house and likes to climb the plants as well. When I had other snails, he was always riding their backs. He is the oldest member of my tank, I got him while my tank was still cycling. He is very big at this point, about as large as a half dollar. I enjoy watching him feed on the glass, something about it is just so interesting to me. I plan on keeping him by himself for their foreseeable future, the tank looks better and he is more active now.
Thanks for reading!
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This is my cat Teddy. He's a persian x ragdoll and he's 5 yrs old. He loves hunting mice/rats/possums and bringing them home to freak out my wife. He might be cute but he's a stone cold vermin assassin!
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This is ZIGGY my male Corn Snake!
Possibly my favourite pet ever (I've had lots of pets). When you think if a snake most people Imagine some scary thing which bites and hisses. This is certainly not the case with Ziggy, he's so so friendly! He absolutely loves attention and being held and cuddled,yes cuddled.
I feed him mice once a week and it's cool to watch him eating them.
The photos really don't show his true colours but they are incredible. I have a female corn snake as well which I'm hoping to breed with Ziggy in the near future. I can't wait!

Anyway, I hope you liked the picture.
I'm not really looking for a potm, just wanted to share my favourite pet with you guys.
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Froot Loop.jpg

This is Frootloop! She is a 7 year old Fischers Lovebird. She is a really sweet bird who loves to play with bells and anything shiny. She also enjoys relaxing on her swing. She is fed Zupreme Fruitblend (pellets for birds), fresh fruits and veggies, and as treats, she gets Cheerios, Zupreme Pure Fun (seed mix), and millet. She can say a few words such as Peekaboo, tweet tweet, and birdie. Thanks for looking! Good luck everyone!
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I would like to enter my dog Bishop (Bishie) into the contest :)

She is a three-year-old English Mastiff. She weighs only 98lbs (44.5kg)! I like to call her a teacup mastiff since she isn't over 120lbs (54.5kg) like her peers :p

She is afraid of everything (including, and most especially, toads.) She loves to cuddle and play with her sister, Sabine. Her favorite food is anything that the human is eating.

We visited the breeder, just wanting to check out their facility. We initially were going to wait for when a boy was available and name him Bishop, but we fell in love with one of the girls that was still around from the last litter and took her home. We still named her Bishop :) She is very polite and gentle to me and my roommate, but everyone else is super sus to her.

She is the first dog I owned living away from my mom and dad, livin' that true adult life, and she's the best ^-^.
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(I'm entering Sprite, the green and yellow budgie. I tried to get a picture of just her, but she and her brother Marshmallow are inseparable, so he's in the photo too :lol:)

This is Sprite! She is an 11 week old budgie, and I got her and her brother from a breeder 3 weeks ago.
I feed them a mixture of seeds and pellets, as well as fresh vegetables every morning. It took a little while for them to realize that vegetables are edible, but Sprite finally tried some last week, and now she and Marshmallow both love them. Sprite's favorite vegetables are cabbage and broccoli.
Sprite lives in a big flight cage with lots of toys and perches. Her favorite toy is a piece of paper with strips cut into it. She loves playing with that, even more than with the proper bird toys. She and her brother also love to hang out on and under their swing, which is above them in the photo.
She is incredibly smart and has been doing really well with her training. We've almost mastered the "step up" command! Once she understands "step up" we're going to work on recall training, and then I'm going to teach them both some tricks. I'm really looking forward to teaching them how to play fetch!
Thank you for reading about Sprite!
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This is Dot. She is a 7yr old Boarder Collie/Australian Shepherd mix. She is the friendliest farm dog ever. She loves basking in the sun, hanging with the family and smelling the flowers. Dot particularly loves our UPS driver as she gets Begging Strips from him. She also enjoys rides in anything with 4 wheels and running after my kids.
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This is BunBun. We adopted him from a shelter, March 12th of 2020. He started out as an indoor rabbit, but we soon found out that he didn't like being inside, and was later turned into a happy outdoor rabbit. Spoiled, of course. He even has his own hutch - mostly his own playhouse - and a large pen connected to a GARDEN!
BunBun is about 2 years old and he is white.
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This is my 2 year old smoothie cockapoo, Pippi. She is the sweetest little girl. She follows us all around the house and puts up with us dressing her up even though I think she hates it.

Also, the picture of her on Christmas, she just so happens to be laying down right next to her picture as a baby.
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This is lemon, he’s a round boi and I got him almost a year ago. He mainly eats morio worms but sometimes he enjoys his crickets if he’s feeling extra energetic , because he’s too much of a fatty to chase them around. I’m guessing he’s around two years old and the first picture shows him when i first got him compared to now. He’s a nice little guy but if you put your hand in front of him your asking to lose a finger, I learnt the hard way! But I forgave him and now we are good friends.
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End of entries
Scroll up as you review the 13 entries and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of this thread.

We are now accepting entries for our February Tank of the Month contest which will feature tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you will enter the contest. To view the entry thread, click on the following link:

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