Share your bettas

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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My Beta, Lestat. emerges from the shadows. He loves to hang out in the driftwood and the anubis nana :)

There are some gorgeous bettas in this thread!

This is Fred when we first got him last summer. He changed my whole perspective on bettas. I never realized how much personality they had until then.

He kind of went nutso a few months back for no apparent reason. He bit off the majority of his caudal fin and the parts of his anal and dorsal fins that he reach one night. Everything grew back and he hasn't done anything like it since.

World meet my newest addition (even though I told myself I was not going to get another betta...yea right :rofl:) - Baby D. I knew she was coming home with me as soon as I looked at her and she looked right back at me like "What?! You feeling froggy? ..Jump then."

She is sharing my 29G with some of my piggies (what I lovingly call my albino corys). She is crazy animated, follows me around as soon as I come near the tank, and is just Ms Curious Thaang. I love watching and interacting with her (and my other bettas of course). But seriously look at that :angel: face!?


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Picked up a male galaxy koi today. I do believe he is the meanest fish I've ever had (and I've had breeding convicts!). He had a level 10 meltdown trying to bite my fingers when I picked up his cup at Petco. If anyone walks by the tank, he darts to the front with gills and fins fully flared having a spaz attack. Then he'll pace back and forth giving you the stink eye. If you go out of view for 5 seconds and come back, he challenges you to a fight again. He's the complete opposite of my red delta, who calmly says hi and begs for food.


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Dang I thought feeding them first would make it easier to take a picture but they're so freakin active this morning lol this is the best I can get of my three bettas. First one is a black and blue crown tail named Black who is 5 years old. Second betta is a opal delta tail named Yang (as in the white portion of a yin yang sign) third is a black and blue veiltail who is 6 years old named Blue


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Thiery, my new koi-Nemo boy. He’s so gorgeous, and dang, he’s so stinking cute.

alas, Rosencross has gone blind and must be hand-fed his wormies now. He is still quite healthy, but I decided he probably wouldn’t notice as much now if I divided his tank to allow room for a new boy, so the tank now looks like this. I think everyone is quite happy with the current setup.
Came back from vacation to a jungle tank a different colored betta.


Sashimi on May 3rd:

May 27:

I also set up a new tank for Wasabi last week. I'm going to throw in some Rotala and Ludwigia trimmings from Sashimi's tank tomorrow when I clean them.
My guy... beautiful! Have you every considered, er, I don’t know maybe entering the TOTM/POTM contest!?

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