Best betta food?

Aquarium guy person

Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2019
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Hey guys, I have a betta and I’m feeding him what I fed my old betta which is small api cichlid pellets. They seem to work good and it’s what I feed every betta I’ve ever gotten (3 or 4) but I want to use a food more for bettas like for health and definitely color as this time I’ve picked a very pretty one. Any advice on food much appreciated:)
I feed New Life Spectrum Betta Pellets.


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I just got a Betta a few days ago and glad to see this thread, because I was wondering the same thing. I don't know what I was thinking about when I got the Betta, because I didn't get him any food. So I have been feeding him the same thing I have been feeding my other fish. Brine Shrimp and a little flake food.
Frozen (but defrosted) brineshrimp, daphnia, mysis shrimp, bloodworms.

Live brineshrimp, daphnia, grindal worms, adult mosquitoes & mozzie larvae, aphids, small moths and flies (that are free of chemicals), ants & ant eggs, weevils & their larvae.
I'm VERY late but Oh well. for pellets Omega one for flaked Fuval. he can also eat live foods as colin said
every once in awhile I feed peas for a whole day to cleanse the digestive system.

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