Special Needs Loach Update- Meet Baby!!<3


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2020
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Austin TX
Hey y'all! I wanted to post an update on my post from a few days ago, I ended up going back to my LFS today and picking Baby up! I thought about it for all day yesterday, and decided, if I go back and she's still there, I'll take her home. And there she was. So I got her bagged up and took her home, and she's doing great. Her spine is her main issue, and her head is kind of warped to the left, she also has fins that aren't fully developed, but I'll make sure she eats and is being well cared for! Also an update, my LFS said they were more than happy to keep my tank there while I wait to move, so next week I'm buying the 75 gal with the stand and all! I'm so excited!!! (It was very touching, they don't usually allow reserving of tanks/keeping it there nonetheless, but he said that he would make it happen for me! So sweet!) So welcome home Baby, you'll be upgraded soon!!!
Aaaww, glad you're giving her a good home, and good news for the tank too!

Gotta agree with PK on this one, would be much better to get a fine sand as the substrate for the next tank, for the sake of the loaches and the cories. You'll see behaviours that they just can't do on a gravel substrate, they really do need sand.
Cute little guy, That was one of the reasons I switched to sand can not say my cory are happier with sand because they were always smiling;)
It is sand just coarse! And I'm planning on getting a finer grain when I do! The loaches still filter it, these pictures are just zoomed! Thank you all for the love for Baby!!
Oh she is just beautiful!! :wub: What a blessed little life she is going to have now

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