150 gallon shapping up nicely.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2020
Reaction score
1 month in

First live plant tank.

Most of the plants are in. I have a couple more I would like to add. some Star Grass, and some red swords. Put in a few small angels, plattys, and black mollys.. A Pleco just cause... well. Pleco.

I would like to arrange the plants in a more natural fashion, but waiting on the rest of them to get here first.


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Looking great. Make sure to update once you get everything. Those blue lights look awesome, especially how they are in individual beams.
So, Minor setback.

The Vacation curse strikes. :(

I took some time and drove down to Mexico for a few weeks and did the remote private beach house things to gtf away from the craziness going on here in the US ( not talking COVID either )

I had a friend staying at my house for the time that I was gone. I explained everything pretty well I thought. Anyways. My Red Sword plants came while I was away, but I explained to him how to rinse and plant them and so forth.

I didnt explain that he would have to unwrap the roots however in whatever they came packaged in, which of course varies from plant to plant.

Anyways. he planted them as is. I'm not even sure wtf this crap they wrapped the roots in was. But I came home to these massive blobs of dead plant wreckage and general scum clinging to crap around the tank, 1 missing bala shark, and a 2 missing guppies. I still cant find them. I suspect they were food. Not really sure what or why they died though. So that will forever be a mystery I suppose.

For some reason I dont really understand either, he turned off my micro dosers that feed the water conditioner and plant food. No idea when though. So my water auto change system was pumping 3 gal in / out a day for an unknown period of time without feeding the plants / conditioning the water. I suspect it was rather near the beginning because the plants that I left in it when I left ( some star grass, and a couple others ) all look really bad. almost dead in fact.

So, i double dosed the water conditioner and plant food.

Water tests all look good though still, so have to back track and replace a few plants maybe if they cant pull through. I think a couple are goners for sure though, and fish sadly. But Nothing to bad and not very expensive to fix / replace the lost plants / fish.
Wow no water conditioner that really sucks. Might have factored into the fish's deaths :( On the other hand, I am enjoying seeing how this tank is shaping up! I like the piece of driftwood you have and hopefully once you get the mess cleaned up the plants will recover etc.
Wow no water conditioner that really sucks. Might have factored into the fish's deaths :( On the other hand, I am enjoying seeing how this tank is shaping up! I like the piece of driftwood you have and hopefully once you get the mess cleaned up the plants will recover etc.
Sorry about your fish and plants, sounds like a real disaster:( Your tank was looking nice, hope you will be able to get it back to the way it was without too much trouble. I don't blame you for wanting to get away for awhile, it has been a little crazy:shout:
Here are some updated pics post clean up. You can see the dead star grass and red sword.


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It's starting to look good again :) and the star grass isn't totally dead either, if I'm holding out for my Val's which look a lot worse than your star grass it means yours definitely still has hope! (Or I'm just crazy, equally likely). Nice clear water in your tank!!
I think I want to add some Lilly's as top floaters. Do you think the power heads will allow for that though? Hrm. Not sure.

So, Today I notice a fish with Ick on it.


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