Hi, I have a 52 gallon (200L), 3.4 foot long and heavily planted. My stocking is an angelfish, 10 neon Tetra, 4 cherry barbs, 5 albino corydoras, 1 Siamese algae eater and 3 guppies and 3 mollies.
The tank is filtered by a fluval 307, holds media but I think it will be under filtered. I’ll pickup a large sponge filter or two. I know they need flow, will be getting a wave maker, used to have an internal filter and the barbs loved the flow, so would be useful,
I’ll be batting aggression by first getting a group of 5, so the aggression will disperse. The only aggression issues I’m thinking are the Otocinculus. The Siamese algae eater could be another but he’s a big boy and no one is messing with him. The oto could be bullied since they all like algae, so I’ve densely planted the tank, so they have hiding places. I’ll be putting the Oto’s food in a small corner just for them, making sure they get food.
The tank is filtered by a fluval 307, holds media but I think it will be under filtered. I’ll pickup a large sponge filter or two. I know they need flow, will be getting a wave maker, used to have an internal filter and the barbs loved the flow, so would be useful,
I’ll be batting aggression by first getting a group of 5, so the aggression will disperse. The only aggression issues I’m thinking are the Otocinculus. The Siamese algae eater could be another but he’s a big boy and no one is messing with him. The oto could be bullied since they all like algae, so I’ve densely planted the tank, so they have hiding places. I’ll be putting the Oto’s food in a small corner just for them, making sure they get food.