Baby Cory!


Fish Fanatic
Tank of the Month 🏆
Feb 17, 2020
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Doing some cleaning on my 15gal tank today, and found to my surprise a tiny baby Cory just swimming about!

Id seen my Cories mating n doing their wee dance with one another but never imagined any eggs or would-be fry would ever have survived. Especially having Cories and lots of Rasboras.

So was pretty cool to see a baby Cory, about 1cm in length just chilling out in there!

Tried to get a photo but couldn't, so I will continue to try. It's obviously very good at hiding ?

Was going to ask if there's any special I should be doing but obviously it's been doing pretty well so far.
Wow nice, congratulations happy fish keeping:) I’ve no xp breeding corydoras.. keep the thread updated on your progress.. thanks for sharing
Feed the tiny guy 2-3 times daily on super finely powdered pellets or flakes, or if you can get it in a pinch some Hikari First Bites or similar fry food (dunk it in with a toothpick to sink it for him).
If in a pinch, look up the egg yolk method in the forum threads

Do regular water changes too to allow him to grow quick
I agree, some Hikari First Bites 3 Times a day will give the little guy a boost. Congrats!
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If it's 1cm, it will be doing alright without too much extra faff. I had my C. schulzei and C. habrosus (they live in different tanks) spawn at roughly the same time. Found the schulzei eggs, removed them to a fry tank, went through the whole routine of daily water changes, fry food two or three times per day, etc. etc. I never found the habrosus eggs, but saw a couple tiny fry -- still in wriggler stage -- in the tank with the parents. Did nothing beyond the normal tank maintenance stuff.

Both species are juveniles now. The habrosus, like many millenials, still live with their parents, while the schulzei are still in the wee not-quarantine-anymore tank. The number of baby habrosus that survived me doing absolutely nothing? Two. The number of baby schulzei that survived me assiduously following all fry care instructions? Two.

I don't quite know what that means.

Going forward, fry which hatch in the habrosus' tank can stay there. Eggs might get eaten, but the fish in that tank are unlikely to eat fry. However, eggs and fry cannot stay in the schulzei's tank, because they share it with raphael catfish, and fry don't stand a chance. I'm stuck with handrearing anything I rescue from that tank. The not-quarantine-anymore tank has since become a permanent tank with kubotai rasboras, and I'm hoping that improves the survival rates of the next batch of cory fry that end up there.
Congrats! Any pictures?
None yet! seems to be hiding behind my big piece of driftwood alot so hopefully il get more n more glimpses as it grows!

Definitely trying for photos, everytime I go to feed I'm checking around haha!
If it's 1cm, it will be doing alright without too much extra faff. I had my C. schulzei and C. habrosus (they live in different tanks) spawn at roughly the same time. Found the schulzei eggs, removed them to a fry tank, went through the whole routine of daily water changes, fry food two or three times per day, etc. etc. I never found the habrosus eggs, but saw a couple tiny fry -- still in wriggler stage -- in the tank with the parents. Did nothing beyond the normal tank maintenance stuff.

Both species are juveniles now. The habrosus, like many millenials, still live with their parents, while the schulzei are still in the wee not-quarantine-anymore tank. The number of baby habrosus that survived me doing absolutely nothing? Two. The number of baby schulzei that survived me assiduously following all fry care instructions? Two.

I don't quite know what that means.

Going forward, fry which hatch in the habrosus' tank can stay there. Eggs might get eaten, but the fish in that tank are unlikely to eat fry. However, eggs and fry cannot stay in the schulzei's tank, because they share it with raphael catfish, and fry don't stand a chance. I'm stuck with handrearing anything I rescue from that tank. The not-quarantine-anymore tank has since become a permanent tank with kubotai rasboras, and I'm hoping that improves the survival rates of the next batch of cory fry that end up there.

Yeah as I say I never expected to see any at all. And since it's already grown alot it definitely seems to have done well! So. Pretty happy at that! I'm going with Dr Malcolm.. life uh, finds a way!
Feed the tiny guy 2-3 times daily on super finely powdered pellets or flakes, or if you can get it in a pinch some Hikari First Bites or similar fry food (dunk it in with a toothpick to sink it for him).
If in a pinch, look up the egg yolk method in the forum threads

Do regular water changes too to allow him to grow quick
Thanks for the advice! I usually feed my rasboras a tiny granule mix meant for 'fish with tiny mouths' so maybe hes been munching on whatever maxes it to the substrate and any odd bits of algae.

I do a water change every week so hopefully that'll keep him happy n boost his growth!

Thanks again! Il keep the post updated!
The lil guy is out and about! So I finally managed to snap a wee shot!

So tiny!


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Update on the Baby Cory!

Or should I say.. Cories!

That's right, I've found another one!
Managed to get a better photo of the original one I found - the new one I found is about half the size of this wee fella!

You can see how tiny this one is compared to the tail of a RCS poking out at the top right of the image!

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