Plant Suggestions


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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I’d like to fill my 55G in with more plants. I have crypts, anubias, corkscrew swords and a little hair grass. Suggestions??? Temp stays at
about 75F, PH 7.5, Lighting LED. Pics of tank. Floaters are fake to make shade for tetras.
If you want some taller plants Limnophilla Sessiflora, Hygrophila Siamensis 53b and Cardamine Lyrata are all super fast growing stems that fill out super quick. If you want lower growing species smaller Crypt species would work like Parva or you could look at S.Repens for a lower growing bush. I really like Rotala plants at the moment, some of them you need Co2 for but others do well without like the easiest to find Rotala Rotundafolia.

Your twisted sword is twisted Vallis.

Good plants to try include: Ambulia, Hygrophila polysperma and ruba/ rubra, narrow Vallis as mentioned above, an Amazon sword plant, Water Sprite.
The Water Sprite can float on the surface or be planted in the substrate.
Duckweed. Lots and lots of duckweed. :lol:

I'll second the vals. Or if you're still looking once the weather warms up enough for shipping I'll give you all the hornwort you'll ever need. Or if you're near me in Ohio, I'll bring you some.
I killed duckweed. Who does that??? I am interested in taller plants for the back. I have bad luck with Repens for some reason. Will check into these others. Thank you so much. I do have an Amazon sword already ordered. :)
I’m also looking for plants for my tanks, because they are looking bland with just Anacharis.

Maybe hairgrass? Amazon swords? Anything else? I want my tank to have a wide variety of live plants. :) (I may also look into getting some ferts...) the Amazon Swords and Jungle Vals ordered. Still looking into the other suggestions. Again, thanks so much!
cancel the jungle vallis and get narrow vallis instead. jungle vallis rots in tanks and does best in big ponds.
I’m also looking for plants for my tanks, because they are looking bland with just Anacharis.

Maybe hairgrass? Amazon swords? Anything else? I want my tank to have a wide variety of live plants. :) (I may also look into getting some ferts...)
I have really struggled to get hair grass to grow properly dwarf sagitruais i have had better luck with or crypt pava
I have really struggled to get hair grass to grow properly dwarf sagitruais i have had better luck with or crypt pava
What another good easy carpeting plant are there for me to try?

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