Treating a very sick fish


Fish Fanatic
Nov 20, 2020
Reaction score
Bradenton fl
This cory was a rescue from a very neglected tank. He was totally on the verge of death. If a strong current of water came and knocked him on his side, he would lay there and look dead for a minute because he was to weak to move, I swore he was dead looking at him but he would eventually right himself to let me know he's still alive. All of his dorsal fin was pretty much gone as was his tail. He was in bad shape to say the least, in my opinion less than a couple hours from dying in that horrible tank. All his other cory buddies had already died. He was not to long to follow ?. I hurried and threw him into a 1 gallon quarantine tank with good water, put an air stone in and cranked it up to high to try and hyper originate this little fella. Then I added some pimafix and melafix and prayed for the best. I kept checking on him every couple hours to see died but to my surprise he kept on breathing, albeit very very slowly but breathing none the less. Maybe the extra oxygen helping? By the next morning he was still alive, not moving and not eating but alive. Did a water change, redosed and kept checking on him. He made it through day 2. By day 3 I did another water change and redosed again. This time I started to see a little movement in him but he still wouldn't eat. By day 4 I saw a lot of improvement, he was moving and eating some flake food. By day 5 it was like night and day. He was looking so much better. Treated him for 2 more days before adding him to my 10 gallon tank. I can't believe I fixed this fish. It's fins are all grown back better than ever and he has a ton of energy. Brings joy to my heart to have cured the little guy. Thought I'd share this story with yall. Tried to get a good picture of him but he won't sit still. Guess that's a good thing ? Happy fish keeping!


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Well this is just a fantastic story.

As Seth Meyers would say, this is “News we can use right now”

well done, congrats on your success, hope everything continues to go well!
He looks so much better! It was a pleasure reading the end bit. Do you know what species he is? Looks like an adolfoi cory to me.
I have 4 of the little critters in a 33 gallon. Thinking of adding more though. Maybe...
Yes, they love to be in groups. My panda only has an albino as a mate. Thinking of a couple more myself. They're just so cute when they're little

I have one in my 29 gallon thats 7 years old. It just layed a clutch of eggs a couple weeks ago for the first time ever. I couldn't get them to hatch however. I don't think they were fertile ?

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