New Angel Fish In Tank

Sexy Rexy

New Member
Dec 16, 2020
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Hi all! Newby here with a few questions. We recently bought a 75 gallon fresh water aquarium. We did all of the prerequisites as in treating the water, installing a heater and filter/aerator, etc. Started with 6 black skirted tetras and slowly added some other various tetras along with other various compatible fish. Today we added 5 Angel fish. Floated the bag for 30 minutes and let em loose. My questions are as follows. The Angel fish seem extremely lethargic and tend to group in one corner of the tank. Is this normal as newly introduced Angels? The next question is this. Since it was feeding time shortly after they arrived, I did my nightly feeding. The Angel showed no interest in eating. Normal? Lastly, I have read that Angels like to dine on frozen and live food occasionally. How do I ensure that the other fish don’t gobble up their treats?
Yeah, figured as much. One thing I failed to mention. We have a dozen fish, and I can’t remember what species they are, but they are constantly chasing the Angels and nipping on their long hanging fins. Is there a way to stop it?
Yeah, figured as much. One thing I failed to mention. We have a dozen fish, and I can’t remember what species they are, but they are constantly chasing the Angels and nipping on their long hanging fins. Is there a way to stop it?
Do you know the water parameters, like the Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? If you upload a pic of the tank and other fish we can help ID the other fish.
Do you know the water parameters, like the Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? If you upload a pic of the tank and other fish we can help ID the other fish.
i hate to admit it but I don’t know know the exact parameters but we did take a water sample to our fish store and all were within range. All I write this I notice that 4 of the five Angels are perking up. The other is still hanging in the corner and is being horribly harassed by the black and orange fish. I fear it won’t make it through it’s first night. I will attach a photo of the major offender. The third of the three pictures is the poor Angel being picked apart.


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3 questions:

1. Did you cycle your tank first? You don't mention that in your original post.

2. It sounds like you acclimated the fish to the water temperature but did not acclimate them to the tank chemistry. While floating the bag in the tank you need to add tank water to the bag a little at a time so are not suddenly shocked by just dumping them into new water with a completely new chemical makeup than they are used to.

3. How long has it been since you added them? Sometimes it just takes a day or two to adjust to a new tank. Many fish hide and don't swim around for the first couple days.

i hate to admit it but I don’t know know the exact parameters but we did take a water sample to our fish store and all were within range. All I write this I notice that 4 of the five Angels are perking up. The other is still hanging in the corner and is being horribly harassed by the black and orange fish. I fear it won’t make it through it’s first night. I will attach a photo of the major offender. The third of the three pictures is the poor Angel being picked apart.
That is very unusual that a molly is picking on a angel. Usually it would be the other way around. Weird... How big is this angel that is being picked on?
3 questions:

1. Did you cycle your tank first? You don't mention that in your original post.

2. It sounds like you acclimated the fish to the water temperature but did not acclimate them to the tank chemistry. While floating the bag in the tank you need to add tank water to the bag a little at a time so are not suddenly shocked by just dumping them into new water with a completely new chemical makeup than they are used to.

3. How long has it been since you added them? Sometimes it just takes a day or two to adjust to a new tank. Many fish hide and don't swim around for the first couple days.
Hi Kyle, thanks for your reply. Yes, I did cycle the water and slowly introduced tank water slowly. I added the Angel Fish mid afternoon yesterday. Three of the five Angels are now swimming happily. One is still quite lethargic and as of right now I can’t seem to locate the 5th. The size ranges from just barely an inch long to close to 2 inches.
That is very unusual that a molly is picking on a angel. Usually it would be the other way around. Weird... How big is this angel that is being picked on?
Good Morning Fish4dawin. The one being picked on is maybe an inch long. Of the five we added, three are swimming more actively, one is pretty lethargic yet and one i have yet to locate.
Good Morning Fish4dawin. The one being picked on is maybe an inch long. Of the five we added, three are swimming more actively, one is pretty lethargic yet and one i have yet to locate.
Ok, when did you do a water change last? if you are to do a water change, you might have a bit more luck in finding the missing one. Also, good afternoon. I'm very confused that a molly (the yellow and black fish), of all things a molly, is picking on an angel. Sorry for my grammar it can be a bit confusing ;)
Well, sometime things just happen, Keep looking for that 5th Angel. Generally live breeders like guppies, mollys, platies, and swordtails are calm and collected. That being said males can be problematic, but may be mitigated by added some females to divert attention away from the Angels. Just keep an eye out.
Ok, when did you do a water change last? if you are to do a water change, you might have a bit more luck in finding the missing one. Also, good afternoon. I'm very confused that a molly (the yellow and black fish), of all things a molly, is picking on an angel. Sorry for my grammar it can be a bit confusing ;)
The tank is new as of six days ago so will be due for it’s first partial water change tomorrow. One other poster has also commented on how strange it was that a molly was attacking an Angel Fish. I’m also wondering if the one Angel fish came to us in a sickly state.
BTW Welcome to fish forum, the more info you provide the more helpful the members can be; tank size, numbers and types of fish will help with giving answers....I learned that by just watching the various threads. As you do more with your tank ,your experience will grow and you might want to consider getting water chemistry test strips or if you want to deep dive get one of those chemistry test kits. Save from constantly visiting the LFS especially these days. Oh and one more thing you can go to your profile section and add your tank info if you like. good luck it's always exciting to set up tanks...
Well, sometime things just happen, Keep looking for that 5th Angel. Generally live breeders like guppies, mollys, platies, and swordtails are calm and collected. That being said males can be problematic, but may be mitigated by added some females to divert attention away from the Angels. Just keep an eye out.
Thanks DAnCSF.
The tank is new as of six days ago so will be due for it’s first partial water change tomorrow. One other poster has also commented on how strange it was that a molly was attacking an Angel Fish. I’m also wondering if the one Angel fish came to us in a sickly state.
I think what @DAnCSF said above is correct. Some males can be a bit of a problem and will chase new fish and possibly harm them.

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