What the heck????!!!!!!!!1


Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
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California, U.S.A.
Anyone have any clue what these are? They only come out at night. :dunno:


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The biggest one is about half an inch long. They are just the creepiest things I have ever seen, and they're fast little buggers too! I barely got a picture of them before they dissapeared into the LR.
I have seen them before in my friends tank....came in the live rock.
'Don't remember what they are, but the lfs owner said they were of no harm. :thumbs:
Bristle worms.
Lots of people hate them and try to get rid of them as they think they eat fish and corals when they get to about 2 or 3ft in length :p But basically they are a good addition to the cleanup crew.

Dont try touching them though. :byebye: They are also known as "Fireworms" and its for a very good reason. :crazy:
i saw someone selling theirs on aquabid the other day...it was quite large
im wondering if they thought anyone would truly buy it :dunno: :rofl:
A friend of mine had an infection on her finger for months and months after being stung by a bristleworm :crazy:

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