Sick Corys


New Member
Nov 28, 2020
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In a have a sick Cory, still active feeding and seining with other Corys. Started dosing ferts and added kh/ph plus to raise KH by 1 which o think what aggravated the corys, three affected, two minor symptoms and one looks severe. Pics attached. Kindly advise on what is the condition and what is needed to treat it. Like meds
Tanks size 90 gallons, CO2
Cycled 2 months
Water levels are normal
Nearly 0 Ammonia,0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, Ph 6,8, GH 7, KH 3
6 corydoras juliis
4 electric blue rams
2 goldeneye cichlid
6 kuhli loaches
2 black sailfin Mollys
4 hillstream loaches


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In a have a sick Cory, still active feeding and seining with other Corys. Started dosing ferts and added kh/ph plus to raise KH by 1 which o think what aggravated the corys, three affected, two minor symptoms and one looks severe. Pics attached. Kindly advise on what is the condition and what is needed to treat it. Like meds
Tanks size 90 gallons, CO2
Cycled 2 months
Water levels are normal
Nearly 0 Ammonia,0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, Ph 6,8, GH 7, KH 3
6 corydoras juliis
4 electric blue rams
2 goldeneye cichlid
6 kuhli loaches
2 black sailfin Mollys
4 hillstream loaches
Was your tank completely cycled before you added the fish? You said there may be a tiny bit of ammonia, if your tank is cycled than something has possibly caused it to spike.
have you done a water change since the problem started? what specific products did you add to the tank, how much, and how many times?

@NCaquatics might be able to help
have you done a water change since the problem started? what specific products did you add to the tank, how much, and how many times?

@NCaquatics might be able to help
I added fish slowly to the tank followed tropica guide .
I use seachem ferts based on their dosage schedule, half dose. I also dozed sera kh/ph plus. Now I stopped dosing since I noticed the issue. Will add some Catappa barks, read it’s helps
Just remembered that I added some cholla wood without boiling it, a week before the symptoms starts showing.. will remove it from the tank and will keep doing the water changes every other day .. hope this will clear the issue
I would start by doing one large (75%) water change. I know you did 2 40’s but you need to get all of that stuff out. Cories are sensitive to chemicals and meds. May I ask why you were messing with the chemistry at this point anyway? Was there a problem we’re not aware of? The ammonia should be at 0.
Doesn't matter what I say, @Colin_T will have something else to say anyways, so just wait for him to add input.
@NCaquatics please give your opinion. The more opinions, the better and then OP can use what he feels is right. It’s OK to have a difference of opinion as long as we keep it in a friendly manner. I personally, would love to hear your opinion as you are the Cory expert on our forum (along with Byron when he returns). :)
IMO it looks to be a bacterial infection. Id try water changes and tannins, but opt for antibiotics such as furan or kanaplex if you can get a hold of them.
IMO it looks to be a bacterial infection. Id try water changes and tannins, but opt for antibiotics such as furan or kanaplex if you can get a hold of them.
Don’t kill me, NC but using both together works best. Kanaplex is the antibiotic and Furan-2 fights bacterial diseases. Excellent advice from NC! :)
I would start by doing one large (75%) water change. I know you did 2 40’s but you need to get all of that stuff out. Cories are sensitive to chemicals and meds. May I ask why you were messing with the chemistry at this point anyway? Was there a problem we’re not aware of? The ammonia should be at 0.
Ammonia is zero, no spikes. I test every other day. And daily since I noticed the issue. I tempered with the water to achieve 2 things, ferts dosing for plants to flourish and increase KH to avoid ph crash ( that’s what I read, like I said I am née o the hoppy ). Will do the 75% within the next 24 hours.
If your fish are doing well, it’s better not to mess with the PH. A lesson most of us learn as we go. You were wise to use fert’s at half dose. I lost a couple of cories from too much ferts. Now I dose once a month at half dose. :):)
IMO it looks to be a bacterial infection. Id try water changes and tannins, but opt for antibiotics such as furan or kanaplex if you can get a hold of them.
Fish Meds are hard to come by, i think furan is available . Can you recommend some alternatives in case I couldn’t the specific brand.

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