Wow! Thanks for the pictures they are so beautiful!... I have a question. Do either of your males have blue scales on their black circle spot?
Thanks! Yea I love how interesting they are as well.
So when I first researched rams I found people claiming that the one sure way to tell the male from the female was the solid black side patch on the side. They said males have a side patch that is solid black with no blue scales showing over top, while females have a black spot where the blue can be seen inside (over) the black patch. Unfortunately, I've learned that this is completely untrue.
In actual fact, the black patch can be solid with no blue showing in the black patch, however... that can also change when something causes that same male to lose some of the starkness of the black patch; for instance, stress. Then blue scales will show through.
These two pics are of the exact same male. For a brief period something caused all my fish to become a bit stressed and while the less dominant male became completely colorless, the dominant male's black side patch faded in intensity and blue began to show through. The black color bands and patches are definitely a dominance flag for these guys.