Splash Tetra ID


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2015
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I picked up two "splash tetras" from my local fish store a day or two ago. They're currently a 20 gallon long. I got a bit of help IDing them. One (the darker one) is Copella sp., maybe natteri or arnoldi. The other (the pale one) is probably a juvenile Copeina guttata. Copeina guttata is actually not exactly a splash tetra, though it is closely related and looks similar. Copeina guttata grow larger than splash tetras (3-4 inches vs. 2 inches). I probably won't be able to house the Copeina guttata once it's grown. It's too bad as they're pretty unique characins. They're substrate spawners and the male guards the eggs until they hatch, almost like a cichlid.

What do you think the darker one is? It'd be nice to get a really accurate ID so I could look for more of the same species.

Do you think the pale one is Copeina guttata? Do you think it would be OK in a 20 gallon long or should I re-home it?

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Really beautiful, very under rated fish Splash Tetras. I cant help with the ID unfortunately but really interesting to learn about the breeding behaviour I didnt know that.


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