Guppy setup in 10 mins :-)


Fish Addict
Aug 21, 2005
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Sat in front of the tanks
Hi, Had a spare 10 Gallon tank sat around a while & left over bits from years gone by so thought I would do a quick mixed sex guppy setup, Bit rubbish looking I know but no thought went into it at all.
Have I opened a big can of worms, Who knows :cool:


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I dont even know where that tree is from, I think it was used in a tank yrs ago for fry to hide in i was going to throw it away but I always hang onto fishy stuff cos you never know, Plus the guppy like it they keep going inside & swimming out of the bottom
Probably will, It has 3 females & 2 males in there. That's fine though I have plenty of room got a 30 Gallon with 5 Bronze Corys in & another 50 Gallon on its way (Just not told the wife yet)
Also swapped the Xmas tree for some Java moss
Quick update, Fry found yesterday on return from shopping.
Sadly I was not quick enough to save the remaining few & they we're eaten.
Strange thing is I didn't notice any of the females were pregnant???
Yes they had darkened gravid spots but no other signs.
They are still juveniles & they are still in need of feeding up as I only got them on Friday afternoon from LFS, Sexes are never kept together either in the LFS but i guess transportation could of been mixed
Quick update, Fry found yesterday on return from shopping.
Sadly I was not quick enough to save the remaining few & they we're eaten.
Strange thing is I didn't notice any of the females were pregnant???
Yes they had darkened gravid spots but no other signs.
They are still juveniles & they are still in need of feeding up as I only got them on Friday afternoon from LFS, Sexes are never kept together either in the LFS but i guess transportation could of been mixed
Those females could´ve mated before they got to the lfs.
too fast, I totally was not ready & had nothing in place to save the fry, Although I do have lots of different methods to save them it came too late, They had all been scoffed

I've had guppy on & off for over 10 yrs but never know them to have fry that fast. I was totally unaware she was pregnant as she is small & the gravid spot was only just darkened, But now the other 2 females are hiding away & have black gravid spots so guess I will have more very soon

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