Photos of my barbs

So my total for melon barbs now is 12, I picked up 7 more. Big happy group.
The light hits my tank in the late morning and one of the melon barbs was playing in the light, showing off some fantastic coloring.
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Most my cherry barbs are blind or near blind due to a recent incident, though. Still number 6 of them.
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How do you know they are blind?
Thanks for sharing. Cherry barbs are among my favorite fish. I have 7 cherry fry right now. Love watching them develop!


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Where are these timid, docile cherry barbs? Not the reprobates in my tank. They attack your hand when you reach into the aquarium to do something. They've got themselves evicted twice, twice, from other tanks for bad behaviour. This is how I ended up with three out of my four tanks. I should get a (terrible) photo of the males, because they are an intense crimson.
Mine aren’t very timid either but they only pick on each other. :)
Where are these timid, docile cherry barbs? Not the reprobates in my tank. They attack your hand when you reach into the aquarium to do something. They've got themselves evicted twice, twice, from other tanks for bad behaviour. This is how I ended up with three out of my four tanks. I should get a (terrible) photo of the males, because they are an intense crimson.
Mine aren’t very timid either but they only pick on each other. :)
Maybe its because I only got the one male in with 5 girls, but mine are pretty timid and like to chill in the plants and they don't bother anyone. Very mellow group and among my most peaceful fish ever
We've always had more males than might be ideal. Started with five -- three males and two females. They were too young to easily sex when we got them. Once they were adults, we bought two more females, or so we thought, but one of them turned out to be a male in disguise! When they moved into their current home, we got two more females to try to give the males more to do other than chase corys. It helped...enough. The males were chasing pygmy corys in their previous tank, which wasn't cool at all, and green lasers in this tank. Lasers are roughly the same size as the barbs now and should get bigger.

They were breeding the other day, although the corys were scurrying around hovering up eggs.
There is a youtube vid of Melon barbs in the wild. Check it out using search. Or,if it doesn't come up let me know and I can look for it.
Melons are good looking fish.
Couple of photos from today. Some of the boys are really starting to bring out their coloring.


and playing in the sun again

There is a youtube vid of Melon barbs in the wild. Check it out using search. Or,if it doesn't come up let me know and I can look for it.
Melons are good looking fish.
I seen it when researching these guys :D
Some of the girls bringing out some colour too
Went to turn lights off, found two of the boys displaying to one another, putting on an impressive show of colour.
Keep in mind these are still babies so they don't even have their full adult markings yet
Couple of cherries!

Couple of the teenage boys have been getting the attention of my male cherry, almost like they're purposely antagonizing him, but could also be because he can't see well and he may think they're male cherries... lol


Goes very red around the boys lol

a blind lady

Boy melons


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