They can recover, by removing as much of the damaged tissue, as you have done. I couldn't tell you what type of vallis mine is, other than it isnt spiralis.
If your valis grew the new runners and plantlets, then that tells me it can thrive, and its perhaps what came out of the root tabs over a short amount of time that spoiled them.
Not having a go at you for the choice of root tabs, but I've seen another member here have issues when they went for a budget option. If you do get root tabs, which you should, I'd recommend investing in something like Seachem's. I use TNC root plugs but that's because I'm UK based. The premium brand tabs release nutrients over a longer period of time, and i think what may have happened is that yours have leached all at once and burned the roots out. Hopefully thats it and they'll recover over the next few months.
If your valis grew the new runners and plantlets, then that tells me it can thrive, and its perhaps what came out of the root tabs over a short amount of time that spoiled them.
Not having a go at you for the choice of root tabs, but I've seen another member here have issues when they went for a budget option. If you do get root tabs, which you should, I'd recommend investing in something like Seachem's. I use TNC root plugs but that's because I'm UK based. The premium brand tabs release nutrients over a longer period of time, and i think what may have happened is that yours have leached all at once and burned the roots out. Hopefully thats it and they'll recover over the next few months.