Share your bettas

Reverse osmosis water is water that has had everything that was in the original water removed. it is pure water.

When people with hard water want to keep soft water fish, the hardness has to be reduced. The way to do this is by using RO. Either tap water and RO is mixed before it is added to the tank to lower the hardness, or all RO is used with some minerals added back from a pack.
For example, your 300 ppm water, if mixed half and half with RO would give a GH of 150 ppm. Or one third tap and two thirds RO would give a GH of 100 ppm.
my testing kit does not give me exact ppm but I am in the 300 range. I will look into a better ph testing system as I am truly curious about it. I saw a product that helps bring down the PH when looking at decorations at Walmart one day. Would this be something that would work well for my fish? I believe it was made by tetra

Don't mess with your ph. It will just cause problems for you.
The hardness of your water is more important. 300ppm is too hard for your bettas. As the others have said, you can use RO water to bring down the hardness.
Thought I might share all my males here :)
In order they are Polaris, Blinkin*, Goose, and Moscato. I also have three females but I’m not keeping them so I did not include them.

*blinkin came from a petsmart in a tiny cup and he is almost completely blind so his eyes are filmed over so if anyone has any tips for blind betta care that would be helpful. Up until a few weeks ago I had a female with only one eye but she’d passed away :(
So sorry about poor Blinkin...

I bet I know where you got the name for Moscato ; )
This is my koi beta! It is impossible to get a good picture of him. Photos just don't give him justice. This was the best I could get:

And, I tried to draw him:
Reverse osmosis water is water that has had everything that was in the original water removed. it is pure water.

When people with hard water want to keep soft water fish, the hardness has to be reduced. The way to do this is by using RO. Either tap water and RO is mixed before it is added to the tank to lower the hardness, or all RO is used with some minerals added back from a pack.
For example, your 300 ppm water, if mixed half and half with RO would give a GH of 150 ppm. Or one third tap and two thirds RO would give a GH of 100 ppm.
Thank you! I’ve been researching RO but this explanation makes me feel much less overwhelmed!
Evening all, beautiful Bettas all round :wub:

So, past couple days I've noticed different patches of bubbles. Are they just there because of the floating plants or do they look like bubble nest bubbles?

Evening all, beautiful Bettas all round :wub:

So, past couple days I've noticed different patches of bubbles. Are they just there because of the floating plants or do they look like bubble nest bubbles?

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No, not a bubble nest, sorry. :/

Bubbles like that usually form from the filter.
He might not ever do one, I’d love to see one for real though :wub:
Sometimes a betta's first few bubble nests are fairly weak, they're only really big and thick when they've been introduced to a female and are building a nest worthy of her eggs. That could well be a nest that he's scattered around your floating plants or has been broken up by turbulence
Here is an update on the fry I shared previously. Picture taken this morning while they were eating breakfast. They're coming up to 3 months old soon.

Hatched another spawn this morning. The mother of that spawn is the Galaxy female I shared here previously and fathered by the Koi, who fathered the fry above, after unsuccessful attempts with other males. They're still way too tiny for a decent picture, but there is many of them, healthy and being looked after by their Dad, Kev :)
Bilbo the betta. He has a hobbit house and a red dragon (Smaug). He’s a baby betta. He is so smart! I feed him with a red spoon, and on his third day home he would jump out of the water for it!
They are indeed! I thought I struck gold with a purple delta female. As she's grown, she's become more of a dark red, bit gutted about it if I'm honest lol, what's worse is that she's forever trying to throw herself out of the tank the moment I lift the lid :rofl: feeding times and water changes are now an absolute nightmare :rofl:
I heard from a topic said if u have a slightly purple betta u can breed a purple one by breed it with a red or a blue betta

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