Guppy jumped out


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2020
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United Kingdom
Ok. So my male guppy just managed to jump out of the tank. I literally just bought him earlier today. The tank has quite a few live plants in so it's not like they're gonna be stressed or anything. Any ideas how to stop this happening again please.
Did you get him back in straight away? Is he injured?

Guppies are pretty good jumpers when they want to be. They don't often do it unless they're spooked or stressed, but tey need a lid on the tank because they certainly can jump when they want to.

What else is in the tank? Maybe he scrapped with another male?
If it's only livebearers in the tank, you might want to go straight to the heavier dose aquarium salt treatment. He's likely damaged his slime coat at the very least, possibly scales and fins, and that leaves him open to bacterial and fungal infections, especially with the added stress of being new to a tank and possible hassle from other tank mates. Salt has antibacteria and anti fungal properties, and could help prevent an infection setting in.

I had a female guppy fall from the tank once when I was removing the sponge filter, and it tore most of her tail off and damaged the slime coat down one side. She didn't even fall as far as the floor, just from the tank lip to the stand, and I saw it so she was straight back in, but it's a nasty incident for a fish, a big trauma. She had a fungal infection by the next morning, but water changes and salt treatment cured it.

Day after injury, most of her tail gone, fungal infection setting in at base of tail, and along the other side that you can't see in this photo. Within two days of salt treatment the fungus was gone, and her tail regrew. She became my largest and healthiest female guppy.
DSCF0915 (1).JPG
Ok. Thanks for the advice.
He seems ok. I'll add a photo.
There are 3 young mollies, 1 plec, and 4 female guppies.
What sex are the mollies? A male molly will still chase a male guppy. Any chasing going on? What is the male guppy doing now?

Don't do the heavier salt dose since you have a pleco, but I'd do the lower dose. He will have damaged his slime coat at the very least after hitting the floor, which is an opening for fungal or bacterial infections. Make sure to keep the water very clean too with water changes.
Ok. To be honest I'm not too sure of the sex of the mollies. I haven't noticed any chasing going on. Thanks for the advice. I'll try the salt dosing.
I literally just bought him earlier today.
This is stressful for fish - being chased around the tank with a net, put into a bag then into a strange tank full of strange fish. It can take some fish several days to settle in. He may have been spooked by something and in an already stresed state, reacted by jumping.

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