Rummynose Missing an Eye


New Member
Sep 1, 2020
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Suwanee GA & NYC
I have a school of 11 rummynose tetra that I recently added to my tank last night and this afternoon I noticed the smallest member of the group was missing an eye. I didn't notice it at the store or when I was acclimating them, though I could have missed it, but I'm leaning toward him losing the eye since being in my tank. I've read that tetras will establish a pecking order and sometimes pick on the weaker members; however, I bought all the remaining fish from the store because I felt bad separating them and leaving 3 behind. So, it's not like the dynamic of the school changed. I also didn't notice and aggressive behavior at the store or since I've had them. I also don't think any of the tank mates (Lambchop Rasboras, Panda Corys, and a Clown Pleco) would have attached him, would they've? Any other possible causes a lost eye could be attributed to?

Also, what should I do to help him? Sometimes he's shoaling with the other Rummys and other times he's by himself. I could create a makeshift QT tank out a plastic storage container... But would being along cause him stress and do more harm than good? Do I need to worry about infection?

My water parameters are usually perfect with regards to ammonia, nitrites and nitrates (all 0). Temp is is 77°F, pH is 7.2, GH is 5 and KH is 2. All are stable.

I just want to do what's best for the little guy. Any advice is appreciated!
Its very likely from the store, heck knows the conditions they go through when shipped and such.

Ive got a few one eyed fish I took in as they were, they live just fine. Just watch for signs of infection if its a fresh injury.
Alright, I will keep watching him. I just can't tell if he's stressed ot not. When I first put him into the tank he hid in a driftwood cave and then stayed primarily at the bottom. When I fed him last night, he was eager to get food and ate with the shoal. He's off by himself more than any of the others but he isn't isolated 24/7. Ugh, I just feel bad.
He may take longer to get used to a new tank, understandably
Alright, I will keep watching him. I just can't tell if he's stressed ot not. When I first put him into the tank he hid in a driftwood cave and then stayed primarily at the bottom. When I fed him last night, he was eager to get food and ate with the shoal. He's off by himself more than any of the others but he isn't isolated 24/7. Ugh, I just feel bad.
Try not to worry too much, like @NCaquatics said, it happens sometimes, and most fish manage just fine with one eye! I don't think any of the other tankmates you listed would have attacked him, no.

I have a one eyed platy, born in my tank, and I don't know whether she lost the eye or was born without it, but she's the top female for sure, and you'd never know she had a problem, she's as active and eats as well as the others. Keep the tank clean and check for signs of infection in case it's a recent loss, but otherwise, he's likely to manage just fine with the one eye :)

The white, orange and black santa mickey mouse platy there, Cyclops, showing her side that doesn't have an eye, but it doesn't hold her back in the slightest!
Yep, it will adapt as long as no infection.

Here are mine.
The first little guy, he had his eye plucked put by a black ghost knifefish at the store where they kept their cories with it.

No idea the cause on my other two. They were bought this way.
Thanks for the photos. Here are a couple of my little Rummynose Pirate that I took this morning.
It does look a little fresh, so whether it happened in your tank or before, I'd keep your water extremely clean. Id do water changes every other day to every day, just to keep natural bacterial levels low to give him the best chances of healing.

A little bit of Indian almond leaf litter will help too, the tannins have antibacterial and antifungal properties
It does look a little fresh, so whether it happened in your tank or before, I'd keep your water extremely clean. Id do water changes every other day to every day, just to keep natural bacterial levels low to give him the best chances of healing.

A little bit of Indian almond leaf litter will help too, the tannins have antibacterial and antifungal properties

Okay, I'll start with the water changes today and remove my Purigen/find some Indian almond leaves. Would Melafix/Pimafix suffice until I track down the Indian Almond Leaves?
Do you have an oak tree nearby without pesticides? If any leaves have fallen on the ground are dried and brown, you can use those as well.
Do you have an oak tree nearby without pesticides? If any leaves have fallen on the ground are dried and brown, you can use those as well.
I'm sure I do if I take a walk back through the woods I can find some. Would the tannins from the driftwood also help? Or is it specifically something from the oak/indian almond leaves?

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