what makes you think it has a bacterial infection?
have you got a picture of the fish?
The ingredients in paraguard do not treat most bacteria and nothing treats viruses even tho seachem claims this product does.
hey, thanks for responding! i made a post about my fish, and most thought it was a bacterial infection attacking a wound. i went away for the long weekend, got back and now things are worse. i'll give some info and pics as i hear you're knowledgeable about corydora diseases.
my bronze corydora used to have 2 white spots (that didn't look like fungus) 3-4 weeks ago. they then grew only a little bit, i started treating with aquarium salt and 20% daily water changes for 2 weeks. the whiteness on his body started coming off, but then it just kept going and there was a small hole in his side. he had 2 paraguard baths, and i treated the tank with antibiotics (API fin + body cure, so the specific antibiotic of doxycycline). i left for the long weekend, came back and now he looks like this (pics below). the whit spot further from his head is smaller, but the one closer to his eye is bigger. also, he swims a bit weirdly, not scraping/rubbing himself on things but a bit twitchily, favoring the side of his body that does not have the white hole/spot. also, another one of my corys has some kind of white growth above her eye, pics are attached of that as well. i think it's fungus but need a second opinion. (and yes i know you are supposed to have 3 of the same kind of corydora, i'm getting another tank soon and will get the right numbers of corydoras then).
this was what he looked like last week before i left:
tank is 10 gallon and cycled, temp is at 76F.
parameters: .50 ppm ammonia (this is a bit high, the antibiotics likely hurt my bb/cycle a bit so i'm dosing prime and doing water changes, taking care of this issue). 0 nitrite and for some reason 0 nitrate. it is heavily planted but idk why i'm not getting any nitrates. did all this testing today.
corydora with hole: