20g long 2.0.


Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
Well... after about 3 months of putting it off, the new driftwood is officially in the tank.

Looks natural, which is what I’m shooting for. After it gets waterlogged and all, I will add some java moss to it and some more leaves.

More cherry shrimp will be added shortly. I was afraid that they had all stopped breeding in my 29g tank, but I counted 30+ new fry the other day, so that’s good.

I will be adding more of the same kind of wood, along with more Anacharis later on down the road. Just wanted to share my progress so far... :)

(Looks sort of dark right now, because the light is al the way in the back)
Looks great!
is there any bark on that wood? If so, it should be removed.
Thanks! Yes, ther is. I tried to remove it, but it was so hard to remove. I also didn’t want to shave it off.

I added more leaves

Added more to the 10g also:

I need to add the rocks, so they would stay at the bottom.

(As usual, pictures do no justice... :))
Looking great. @Fishmanic didn’t know about removing bark and didn’t do it. What happens with the bark left on?
I don’t like the look of the blue light, I don’t know why fish stores like to sell them

anyway, I want your anacharis!
Yes, I hate them to be honest, lol. I want a bar light, but with the same brightness of light that my 29g tank has!

The Anacharis is actually looking really sad in that tank. I trimmed yesterday in my 29g and moved some over. :good:

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