Yes those are cory eggs.
You can gently roll them off the glass using your finger and place them in a container of water taken from the parents tank. Use an airstone. Add a few drops of methylene blue or an alder cone to prevent fungus.
After 24 hours if they turn white they are infertile and should be removed. Fertile ones will usually darken. Check several times a day for fungused eggs and remove those.
After 3-5 days they should hatch. Don't feed for 3 days after. After that, offer fry foods (theres an egg yolk option on here somewhere if you search, Hikari First Bites, Baby Brine shrimp, microworms, etc) several times a day. Make sure after they hatch you do total water changes on the container, using fresh water from the parent tank.
After 7 days, add sand to their container, even just a small layer. The beneficial bacteria in the sand helps them thrive and protects their barbels.