New Member
I'm working to stock a 29g planted community tank and have been contemplating adding shrimp for a while now. Currently, there are aout 15 MTS, a bunch of ramshorn and bladder snails, 2 nerites, a mystery snail, a school or corys (6), and a school of lambchop rasboras (8). The plants, driftwood, and snails have been in the tank since July, but the fish are recent (~2 weeks) additions. Substrate is Caribsea Supernaturals Sunset Gold sand. I have two HOB filters (Aquaclear 70 and Penguin 200) that have sponges on their intakes and soap dishes filled with Matrix to baffle the spillways. Water parameters are all stable. I'm going to test after work today and can update the post with numbers. As someone who would be new to keeping shrimp, I think it's best for me to stick to neocaridinas for now, as they seem to be best for beginners. I do have a couple questions.
First and foremost, should I wait for my tank to mature longer before adding shrimp? I know they are sensitive to changing water parameters, and have all the necessary items to drip acclimate them for as long as necessary. Secondly, there are so many colors to choose from that I've been hard-pressed to settle on just one. I think the bloody mary, orange pumpkin, snowball, and red/black rili all look stunning. I've read that having multiple colonies of different breeds can lead to cross-breeding and ultimately having them revert back to the more natural color of the wild form. But I've also read that some shrimp won't cross breed. I'm assuming this is because they're actually different species? Will all colors/types of neocaridina davidi cross-breed, or are their certain colors that stick to themselves? Finally are the rili varieties, or any certain colors, any less hardy or more difficult to keep? I'd probably want to avoid them for my first foray.
First and foremost, should I wait for my tank to mature longer before adding shrimp? I know they are sensitive to changing water parameters, and have all the necessary items to drip acclimate them for as long as necessary. Secondly, there are so many colors to choose from that I've been hard-pressed to settle on just one. I think the bloody mary, orange pumpkin, snowball, and red/black rili all look stunning. I've read that having multiple colonies of different breeds can lead to cross-breeding and ultimately having them revert back to the more natural color of the wild form. But I've also read that some shrimp won't cross breed. I'm assuming this is because they're actually different species? Will all colors/types of neocaridina davidi cross-breed, or are their certain colors that stick to themselves? Finally are the rili varieties, or any certain colors, any less hardy or more difficult to keep? I'd probably want to avoid them for my first foray.
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