Female platy possibly sick


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Good morning,

About a week and a half ago I noticed my female platy had started clamping her fins a bit. I waited a few days and she was still doing it so I added some salt to the water. Salt was in for about 3 days and a test of the water showed that the ammonia was maybe a little high (somewhere between 0 and 0.5 but test strips can be so hard to read) so I proceeded to do some water changes and ammonia has been good since. I just got a new tank so I’m sure it was the filter trying to grow enough beneficial bacteria to keep up (she isn’t having new tank syndrome because when she first started clamping she was still in the same tank she had been in for 4 months) I also noticed she seemed a lot less active, she was hiding which she never usually does, she’s usually a fun friendly fish and when she wasn’t hiding, she was trying to eat the silicone-looking stuff in the corners of the tank (weird but probably unrelated to my problem). So I isolated her to see if it was another fish bothering her. She is in with a male platy and she had had a female friend because that’s how you’re supposed to keep them but the other female died probably over a month ago which I didn’t think would affect anything because the male never paid attention to the other female but I thought maybe he’s just stressing her out because she’s the only female. Frustratingly enough, when in the tank by herself, she was clamping the first couple days, but these last couple days I hadn’t seen her clamping at all and she looked fairly active, but this morning she was clamping just for a bit again until I went over to her. Which isn’t really enough to conclude if it was the other fish or not since she’s kind of still doing it but it is significantly less in the solo tank. She also has had a slight decrease in appetite, like she definitely still eats but with less enthusiasm but I’m not sure if that’s just because now there’s no competition for food by herself. Checked the water this morning and everything looks good, KH is on the low side but pH has been holding steady around 7-7.2 but when she was first showing symptoms KH was fine. I know her symptoms are very general which is why I’m having a hard time figuring out what to do for her. Should I move her back to the other tank and see if it starts up again?
My main tank is a 10 gallon and has her, the male platy, two neon tetras, two minnows and one pearl danio (I know those are all the wrong numbers for schooling fish. Sorry)

Thanks in advance for your help
Would you copy and paste then fill out this template please? I know you've already covered some of this info in your OP, but adding it again in here will still help, since it'll all be together and easy for people to find.

In addition - what size is the tank she's in currently, alone?
We also need to know the GH of your water, wondering if it might be softer water. If you go to your water providers website and look for the water quality report in your area, we're looking for the hardness number, and we need to know what unit of measurement they use for it as well, since there are a few different measurements they could use.

Tank size:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Would you copy and paste then fill out this template please? I know you've already covered some of this info in your OP, but adding it again in here will still help, since it'll all be together and easy for people to find.

In addition - what size is the tank she's in currently, alone?
We also need to know the GH of your water, wondering if it might be softer water. If you go to your water providers website and look for the water quality report in your area, we're looking for the hardness number, and we need to know what unit of measurement they use for it as well, since there are a few different measurements they could use.

Tank size:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):

Tank size: 10 gallons
pH: 7.0
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5 ppm
kH: 40 ppm
gH: 75 ppm
tank temp: 77 F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
In main tank: Clamped fins. Hiding/not moving more than half the time.
in tank by herself: Clamping fins significantly less, but still doing it every now and then. More active. Slight decrease in appetite (but could just be that there isn't competition for food)

Volume and Frequency of water changes: For regular tank maintenance, 30-40% water change every two weeks. More recently, 15% changes daily for about 4 days to make sure ammonia doesn't rise as the new filter builds up bacteria

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Apparently I'm a beginner on this one. Does water conditioner count? I have been using that whenever adding new water. Also dosed with a bit of salt because that's a general go-to when fish aren't doing well. I have a carbon filter. HOWEVER, when symptoms started, there were no chemical additives and the same carbon filter i had been using for the past 3 months

Tank inhabitants: Usually in the main tank with the female platy: 1 male platy, 1 danio, 2 tetras, and 2 minnows

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None at time symptoms first started

Exposure to chemicals: None

and to answer your other questions: the size of the tank she is in alone is 3.5 gallons. The city water now is 12-21 mg/L for hardness HOWEVER when symptoms first started I was living 4 hours from here and on well water that I don't have exact numbers for but I know for a fact is quite hard water so I don't believe it is an issue with water hardness/softness because symptoms started when she was still in hard water which I know platies prefer. But if you do know of a way to make the water harder let me know please.

She has actually been clamping in the solo tank so infrequently that I couldn't get a picture of her doing it but here are some of her just swimming around in there.

thank you for your response and I hope this helps

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