Plant leaves transparent


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2020
Reaction score
Ohio, United States
New to plants in my tanks. I got this dwarf sag recently. (Mid July, so sort of recent) and it just doesn’t seem to be doing very well. The leaves are transparent and brown. What might be the cause of this? The same thing has been going on with an Amazon sword since I got it in January. Tanks are dosed with Flourish and root tabs.

Leave the brown leaves on your swords. They are one of the few plants that store nutrients in those dying leaves an transfer them to the growth of new leaves.
As for the rest plants need about 17 different nutrients if they are deficient in one they won't grow. Plant absorb nutrients two ways, roots and shoots ( leaves) the engine that drives the consumption of these nutrients is light (photosynthesis). If ones light isn't strong enough plants won't utilize all the nutrients they need, if light is too strong they will utilize all the available nutrients and starve without the addition of more nutrients.
Here's a chart of what each deficiency looks like according to leaves. Once one identifies the deficient nutrient one simply needs to add it in a way the plant can best utilize it. Swords are heavy root feeders so best bet is to provide nutrients to roots through root tabs. I use two different root tabs for my plants too make sure they get everything they need. Seachem flourish root tabs are a basic comprehensive tab and another I use is aquarium concepts plant tabs. They have a higher dose of NPK and a few nutrients the flourish tabs don't. As for light it's all about Lumens. Low light require about 20 lumens per liter medium about 30-40 a liter high light,red plants above 40/ liter


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