I have 8 of these little beauties coming today. I had planned on adding them to my tank of similar size fish, ie Galaxy Rasboras, Ember Tetras, Rummynose, Emerald Dwarf Rasbora and Neon Tetra.
I'm having doubts now based on the water parameters. All the indicators show nil on nitrates, nitrites and ammonia levels but the PH is showing at 7.5%.
I could add peat either as actual peat, or as a liquid extract but I don't think that would be right for the other fish. I also think that the normal water changes would create problems by raising the ph again. My normal tap-water is at 7.5%
I have a spare 24ltr tank that I could shovel some substrate from my existing setup into, and a second filter that's also running in the existing tank which is fully conditioned. I'd rather the Chili's were all in the same tank with the other fish though.
I'm searching for input from anyone who has had a similar issue to address