Boo Boo photos


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2020
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You may have seen that I now have a Betta I’ve named Boo boo (because he is blind in one eye)
This is my thread to add pictures of him
He’s settling in very well and comes to the front of the tank when either my husband or I go near it. He’s also eating very well


If I can go for the underdog I will. :)

The LFS I’d seen him in, I’d seen various Bettas there over the last few weeks of visiting (a separate hobby in itself I’m sure, visiting aquatic shops for fun) and he was there.

I’d not really paid much attention as the Bettas would be different everytime I went in and I’d take a look but wasn’t really in the market for one yet. Then I just noticed him one day. I asked about him and they said they’d had him in quarantine out back because he came in with popeye which although he didn’t die from, did affect his vision in that one eye. They’d had him 6.5 weeks and a few of those weeks were on show, had gone by with all the other Bettas around him selling. Well, I had to have him of course because I too was guilty of not really noticing him around the other flamboyant males. Turns out he’s a sweet little character, lots of fun and energy and not phased by us sticking our faces near the tank :blink:

I’d also seen Lisa of KG Tropical on YouTube’s video about her Betta ‘Bubbles’ who is completely blind with deformed eyes. And she says go for the fish that calls to you, and my Boo Boo really did, once I actually took notice. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and it was about a week and a half of setting up a new tank and taking seeded material from my existing tank and putting snails in and checking levels daily that I was happy it had worked and picked him up yesterday.
He’s got a bladder snail in there that I might keep in there; he hasn’t been bothered by it but the others are back in the other tank so essentially he’s on his own. The tank is a Superfish Cubiq 30L, all to himself. I won’t be putting anything else with him. It’s just his humble abode. Lovely little tank actually, filter stream is perfect as I believe it’s actually meant for shrimps. Also got a heater at 26*C. He seems happy thus far.
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He’s got a bladder snail in there that I might keep in there, he hasn’t been bothered by it but the others are back in the other tank so essentially he’s on his own, it’s a Superfish cubiq 30L, all to himself. I won’t be putting anything else with him. It’s just his humble abode. Lovely little tank actually, filter stream is perfect as I believe it’s actually mean for shrimps. Also got a heater at 26*C. He seems happy thus far.
If it's the tank you entered in TOTM, it's beautiful and a lovely little betta home! He's a lucky boy that you took him home :) His colour is subtle, so easy for a lot of people to overlook next to the really bright bettas, but he's still beautiful, and I love the fancy white pectoral fins, very elegant!

I have a one eyed platy girl, Cyclops (I'm not good with naming) and she manages just as well as the others. Also have a female guppy, Angel, with a very wobbly spine who will live out her life with my colony. Special fish still make great pets :)

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