New light advice


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2020
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I’ve noticed one of my guppies swims at the top by itself like it’s scared when the aquarium light is on. When the light is off, it merrily swims around with it’s friend guppies no problems. No other notable characteristics, eats well, plays and swims well, loves swimming into the air stone bubbles. Apart from the light thing. Now I must admit, I think the supplied lamp is very bright. I’d like to upgrade to a variable or dimmer light and it must be a tube version,, it looks a bit like a heater in the bracket. I have no idea what I’m looking for, so would appreciate your advice. I could find that this fish just doesn’t like any light but it’s worth a try. I have live plants too which is why I need a light. Thank you
Current lamp length 24cm
Hard to tell if your lights are too bright or not without any further information such as brand and model etc, also a couple of pics might prove useful.

Fish DO have reactions to overly bright or intense lights, even having bright or white gravel/substrate which reflects light can have an effect imho.

What might help your guppy, is to have some plants, does not matter if fake or real plants as this will help provide some shade from bright lights, in fact floating plants might be more helpful.

Perhaps some decor with shade might be good as well.
This is the light on, it’s an aquael Leddy tube.
I was thinking of trying some amazon frogbit from Tropica actually, looks to be pretty fast growing too.


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This is the light on, it’s an aquael Leddy tube.
I was thinking of trying some amazon frogbit from Tropica actually, looks to be pretty fast growing too.

This is actually a good light, I've used this on nano tanks in the past and have actually recommended it as it great for plant growth.

How long do you normally have these lights on for daily?

But I doubt if it's the light intensity thats causing the issue with that particular fish. It may be something else but not sure what.

However adding floating plants is good, and one I'd suggest you do anyway.

Frogbit is very fast growing and will soon take over the surface of water within a few weeks or so if they have enough nutrient and lights etc. If you ever change mind about frogbit and want to take it out, this is where you have to remove each and evry single bit of frogbit to stop it growing again which can be a pain to do. I knwo this, ive been through that and is not a process I wish to repeat again.....ever!

Perhaps another alternative is to have silvinia natans, water lettuce or something like that if you do not wish to have frogbit as floating plants.
Frogbit is very fast growing and will soon take over the surface of water within a few weeks or so if they have enough nutrient and lights etc. If you ever change mind about frogbit and want to take it out, this is where you have to remove each and evry single bit of frogbit to stop it growing again which can be a pain to do. I knwo this, ive been through that and is not a process I wish to repeat again.....ever!
Are you thinking of duckweed rather than frogbit by any chance? Only I loathe duckweed because it's almost impossible to fully eradicate it (and it's messy) but haven't heard the same complaint about frogbit before, and I just added frogbit to my new tank :oops:
@AdoraBelle Dearheart

AH, that might be the one, duckweed, not frogbit. :oops:

Oops!! Completely got them mixed up methinks.

In that case, completely disregard my advice about frogbit! :blush::blush:
Phew! can stop side eyeing my new frogbit ;) I share the loathing for duckweed though! I should have listened when people told me never to let it near my tanks! I've tried so many times to eradicate it since. *Touch wood* it might have worked this time, but I still found the odd piece here and there afterwards and removed it, so the battle isn't over.

I also had a load of fish related equipment soaking in a bucket of bleach outside that I ended up leaving there for a few days since I fell horribly ill with some nasty virus. When I went and poured it out the other day, guess what I found? Thriving, bright green, healthy looking duckweed. In a bleach solution :oops: That stuff is un-killable.
Duckweed it isn’t then :lol:yeah I’ll try the frogbit first then, as it does seem a shame to not use a good lamp.

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