Fish Fanatic
Thank all of y'all for your algae eater suggestions! They were all wonderful options and I apprecaite y'all all so much! My two wonderful babies, Daisy and Poppy, were sadly, but for the best were returned to their fish store so that they can go to a truly suitable and loving home. As much love as I had given them, I could not give them what they truly needed, so with a heavy heart I let go of my babies. While I was at the fish store I got some new rocks and plants for my tanks, and, a new baby! I had a really long and thoughtful conversation with one of the employees, and after that, and an hour or so of research (While I was in the store XD) I have chosen my new baby to take home! Her name is Clover! And she is......... a Panda Garra!!!!!!! She is comfortable in the temperature range of my tank! (78-80*f), loves algae to graze on, and is nice and peaceful., and compatible with all of my babies! Basically, my dream baby! She is already so happy exploring the tank and I'm so content! In other great news, my 20 gallon is actually looking nice with a ton of new cover and everyone seems so content! Sometimes, good things come from hard decisions<3 I hope y'all enjoy the update and the new tanks!