Fish eggs or ?


New Member
Aug 20, 2020
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Hey frens! I noticed this little patch of what looks like eggs to me (pic attached - white bunch on the purple leaf)? Can anyone identify it correctly? It's in my tetra tank which is stocked with black neons, widows (skirts), a rainbow shark & snails.

How should I manage this situation? I don't think my 50L will handle an explosion of babies..



  • 20200827_095434.jpg
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Bladder snail eggs, no explosion of fish, don't panic ;) You can remove the eggsack if you want, but the snails won't do any harm to your tank, they're pretty good clean up crew. If the snail population explodes, means your over feeding or not cleaning your substrate enough, so they can be a good way to see if you're getting the balance right.
There is a problem with your stocking though I'm afraid. You're going to need a bigger tank soon just for the tetra, and rainbow sharks get large... much too large for a 13 gallon tank. Tetra need a good amount of swimming space, how many of each tetra species do you have?
Thank you :) I enjoy the snails & yeah, they're so good at cleaning up. I'll leave the eggs.

& yes, I know :/ I got two rainbow sharks when first getting into having fish & soon discovered it was a big bad decision. I'm moving house soon, so just waiting until then to get both my sharkie boys the tanks they deserve. They're still under 3 inches so I figure they're okay for right now. Thank you for advice, I appreciate you all.
Thank you :) I enjoy the snails & yeah, they're so good at cleaning up. I'll leave the eggs.

& yes, I know :/ I got two rainbow sharks when first getting into having fish & soon discovered it was a big bad decision. I'm moving house soon, so just waiting until then to get both my sharkie boys the tanks they deserve. They're still under 3 inches so I figure they're okay for right now. Thank you for advice, I appreciate you all.
Ah brilliant, as long as you know now and have plans :) They're such cool looking fish, and a lot of them are sold to beginners who don't know how big they get (and how territorial they can be) so I felt like I needed to tell you, but it's great that you already know and will be upgrading them :fish:
Ah brilliant, as long as you know now and have plans :) They're such cool looking fish, and a lot of them are sold to beginners who don't know how big they get (and how territorial they can be) so I felt like I needed to tell you, but it's great that you already know and will be upgrading them :fish:
I know hey! They're so beautiful. I had already stocked with tetras & asked the seller if they go okay together & with tetras & they said yes! I couldn't believe it hey, have not been back there & have found places like this with actual information & people who care for the fish hah, on the up & up :) :banana:
Ah, the harsh first lesson most of us get this hobby... never trust what anyone in the fish store says!

Not entirely fair, some privately owned local fish stores are great, run by passionate, hobbyist owners who are honest even if it costs them sales, and some employees in big box chain stores are knowledgeable and give great advice. But on the whole, always do your own research first, especially before buying a tank or livestock.

I'm sorry you had to learn that lesson the hard way, but you're not alone there by any means, and it's great that you're on top of it now.
Actually, they're flat to the leaf, so I'd say ramshorn eggs rather than bladder snail.

I find ramshorns arent as fast breeding as bladders at least
Actually, they're flat to the leaf, so I'd say ramshorn eggs rather than bladder snail.

I find ramshorns arent as fast breeding as bladders at least
I actually bought some snails which I think are elephant snails in there (yellow shell, weird long snout) & some tiny brown shelled (which look a little more like bladder snails after a google) snails popped up a few weeks in. I think they made have transported on some plants, but they're welcome none the less :) I'll have to post an update pic when the eggs hatch. The nest is in the perfect spot for my viewing, I like to think they did it on purpose :p
Actually, they're flat to the leaf, so I'd say ramshorn eggs rather than bladder snail.

I find ramshorns arent as fast breeding as bladders at least
My bad! I've seen a lot of bladder snail egg cases, and recognised the jelly sack and dots, but despite ramshorns breeding like mad in my dad's tank, have never spotted an egg sack from them, which is kinda weird. Thanks :)
My bad! I've seen a lot of bladder snail egg cases, and recognised the jelly sack and dots, but despite ramshorns breeding like mad in my dad's tank, have never spotted an egg sack from them, which is kinda weird. Thanks :)
Look for flat harder gel sacs in the corner seams of the silicone. For some reason my ramshorns like those

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