Keeping Daphnia


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 28, 2009
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I've been keeping daphnia in here (about 1 gallon) as a live food source.
I threw in some anacharis in a bid to keep the water filtered. Theres some alfagrog and a piece of wood just for cosmetics. There's very little substrate. Its kept in the windowsill to promote algae growth.

I'm not sure what they are eating exactly, very occasionally I will add a teaspoon of water mixed with a tiny amount of baker's yeast.
Is there anything else I can add/do to promote their growth and make them a more nutritious snack food for the fish?
I'm not sure what they are eating exactly, very occasionally I will add a teaspoon of water mixed with a tiny amount of baker's yeast.

Is there anything else I can add/do to promote their growth and make them a more nutritious snack food for the fish?
They will be feeding on infusoria and single celled algae.

You can add a couple of drops of liquid plant fertiliser to encourage the water to turn green. The daphnia that have eaten the algae will be more nutritious to the fish because the fish eat the daphnia and the algae.

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