Your girls are such cuties! I love female bettas! I didn't know how much I would like them until rollntider gave me one and she's one of my favorites! She's even strong enough to live and make it in the Hood tank (only the hoodrats live in this tank and they love to fight). She has such a strong personality that none of the others bother her! It's great to see a whole bunch of them together like that! Now I'm wanting a tank just for females!
They really are full of personality This tank kinda has prime location for nosiness. They get to watch everything I do and they're the perfect garbage disposal for leftover baby food In such a large number there's really very little aggression in the tank. There's one female who's rather small but bitchy I've removed her several time but she always looks so sad & I put her back.
Their sister says hi!!! *she waves a fin* She also says she's glad she's not living the crowded all-girls dorm anymore, but don't tell them that. They are SO CUTE! Indenticals of my little baby.
Awwww, babies. How cute they are! Wuv, I'll be pming you about orangies this weekend or next week - I think *crosses fingers* All my problems *may* be under control - I should know by next week.