I recently acquired around 1.5-2 months ago 2 Giant Snakeheads and a friend of mine did at the same time. Both couples snakeheads in each tanks unexpectedly died and we are trying to find the cause.
Ive done a water test but also to note we was both feeding them on chunks of tuna steak in an effort to bulk the growth.
I'm sorry for your loss. How big were your Snakeheads and did they vomit their food before death? I had very beautiful juvenile Giant Snakeheads last year with awesome personalities. I fed them prawns from the market and they vomited them later and died. I never feed prawns anymore, they must have so much of bacteria and parasites.
I'm not sure about the tuna, were they fresh from the market? Water levels or sudden temperature changes can stress them out also but sudden deaths raise more questions.
Although I believe that Giant Snakeheads are designed to eat a lot, in captivity however I feed them every other day. Sometimes I fast them for proper digestion. Besides, it also prevents ruining the quality of the tank water and creating any possible diseases. Imagine throwing raw tuna into the aquarium on a daily basis. And if your Snakeheads were little babies they are less resilient.
And Giant Snakeheads are messy eaters, unless you have some suitable bottom feeders that will not be harmed. This is not a problem in the wild.
Yeh I have 4 plecos which are my cleanup crew. And what do you feed them on now and they were fresh tuna steaks from the fish factory my friend works at.
unfortunately this is when the biggest juvenile died a few hours after the other one did