Gourami tank mates??


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Aug 13, 2020
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I currently have an extremely skittish dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if there was any tank mates that could go with him? I heard maybe ghost shrimp? However, I have heard before that dwarf gouramis should have at least a 20 gallon tank. If that is truly the case, I will not get him any tank mates and try to upgrade my tank!! Thanks!!


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Could opt for corydoras pygmaeus, hastatus, or habrosus...

But depends on how hard or soft your water is. Whats your GH?

Otherwise, yes he needs a larger tank, 20 gallon minimum.

As for skittishness, add lots of plants, especially floating cover. Dwarves love lots of plants to skulk around in. He will feel more comfortable if he has places to hide
I currently have an extremely skittish dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if there was any tank mates that could go with him? I heard maybe ghost shrimp? However, I have heard before that dwarf gouramis should have at least a 20 gallon tank. If that is truly the case, I will not get him any tank mates and try to upgrade my tank!! Thanks!!
I currently have an extremely skittish dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if there was any tank mates that could go with him? I heard maybe ghost shrimp? However, I have heard before that dwarf gouramis should have at least a 20 gallon tank. If that is truly the case, I will not get him any tank mates and try to upgrade my tank!! Thanks!!
Yes 20 gallon would be minimum for dwarf gourami’s. For tank mates you should try to look for other peaceful species of fish at the mid and bottom levels of the tank so like the majority of schooling tetras ex: cardinal tetras, neon tetras and other peaceful schooling fish. And also add peaceful species at the bottom of your aquarium like Pygmy Cory catfish. Otos, cherry shrimp.

But the main thing is to do a ton of research on the species Your interested in and to see if their water parameters are identical to your parameters in your tank. And if they are suitable with the fish in your tank.
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I have two dwarf gouramis and they do nicely with several honey gouramis and some corys. I tried putting amana shrimp in there, and the gouramis wouldn't leave them alone. I also have a paradise fish in there who hates dwarf gouramis, but I've managed to settle things down after some time.

It's a thirty gallon tank with a few plants and rocks and wood, so plenty of hiding spots.
I currently have an extremely skittish dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if there was any tank mates that could go with him? I heard maybe ghost shrimp? However, I have heard before that dwarf gouramis should have at least a 20 gallon tank. If that is truly the case, I will not get him any tank mates and try to upgrade my tank!! Thanks!!
Seriouslyfish.com is your first port of call......then come on here for back up.
I have two dwarf gouramis and they do nicely with several honey gouramis and some corys. I tried putting amana shrimp in there, and the gouramis wouldn't leave them alone. I also have a paradise fish in there who hates dwarf gouramis, but I've managed to settle things down after some time.

It's a thirty gallon tank with a few plants and rocks and wood, so plenty of hiding spots.
Mixing gourami species is not good, especially in a smaller tank. Theyre very territorial
May work for now but one day they can snap, so be very very watchful and be ready to separate at first sign of trouble
Heya, regardless of tank size, gourami will try to eat dwarf shrimp so make sure they have plenty spaces to hide, a dwarf shrimp colony CAN thrive in a gourami tank as long as you make sure they have room to hide and molt :) Also I have had success keeping fancy guppy's and dwarf gourami but they do the best with honeys, goodluck :)

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