HUGE tank look change.

It’s amazing the kind of things that experienced keepers take for granted and automatically know what to do, we were all newbies once and some of our mistakes were far worse than not filling the tank completely, well I did for sure anyway! Lol

But both your tanks look soooo much better with filled water levels and the light now goes through the water column rather than reflecting off the surface, your plants will like this better, bonus!

Anacharis plants or as I know them, elodea, are super easy plants and ideal for beginners. Helps if you feed liquid ferts once a week after water changes to keep these plants nice and healthy as well, not essential but an option to consider.

I know shrimps like these plants as well as I used to have these in my 3 foot tank and these plants can grow really long, in fact I had to throw out handfuls of those plants during weekly water change as they started to overtake the tank, so watch out for that in future.

And also as this particular plant helps enormously with ammonia levels as they feed through leaves rather than roots so that definitely helps to keep your tank parameters at optimum levels, better for all your livestock

Keep up the good work and these things to learn will come in time as you go along
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I tried this today. Looks so much bigger now & the Molly & Platies have been playing in the filter stream.
I tried this today. Looks so much bigger now & the Molly & Platies have been playing in the filter stream.View attachment 112765View attachment 112766View attachment 112767
You've gone from newbie with fake plants a week or two ago, to professional aquascaper :D And I mean that as a massive, huge, genuine compliment! I can't believe how established the plants look already. There's usually an awkward period when you first add real plants, where they haven't really filled out yet, and the tank looks new. But the way you've attached the moss in different places, having the floaters, and the fact the other plants were a good size already, makes yours look as though it's been established forever. It really, really works with the columns and pleco hide too. I love it! You can really see the time, thought and love you've put into it.
You've gone from newbie with fake plants a week or two ago, to professional aquascaper :D And I mean that as a massive, huge, genuine compliment! I can't believe how established the plants look already. There's usually an awkward period when you first add real plants, where they haven't really filled out yet, and the tank looks new. But the way you've attached the moss in different places, having the floaters, and the fact the other plants were a good size already, makes yours look as though it's been established forever. It really, really works with the columns and pleco hide too. I love it! You can really see the time, thought and love you've put into it.

Thank you so much. Most of the changes were from your advice. I'm just so obsessed with the tank and I feel so bad about the rough start so doing all I can to save my fish. The plants and filling to the black rim have made such a difference. The fish move about so differently too :wub:

@Fishmanic it's just under 16 US gallons - it's a 58 liter tank. I'll keep an eye out for that. The plants should be more settle by then too :)
Thank you so much. Most of the changes were from your advice. I'm just so obsessed with the tank and I feel so bad about the rough start so doing all I can to save my fish. The plants and filling to the black rim have made such a difference. The fish move about so differently too :wub:

@Fishmanic it's just under 16 US gallons - it's a 58 liter tank. I'll keep an eye out for that. The plants should be more settle by then too :)
Looks a lot bigger than that. Great stuff.

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