EMERGENCY female Oscar bloated/worms? day#15

thank you for the response yes I’ve talked to them very helpful and detailed, we left of with the order of fenbendazole but that got cancelled on me, going to try them again just feel like I’m bothering :/ very important details with this, she is acting so normal coming up hungry begging for food even now swimming looking at me but she is just so so bloated by her anus abdomen and chest she even looks skinny in the middle like a pinch or something, so many possibilities feel like a piece of gravel may got impacted. One main symptom is her poop is not right, greenish white and Bill lately hasn’t been any poop at all. Right now I can see this black thread like thing just hanging from her anus
Could you get a picture if the thread thing?
Could you get a picture if the thread thing?
going to try them again just feel like I’m bothering :/
Don't feel like you're bothering them. You had a plan, but you cannot get the right meds, so you need a new plan. I don't know the people there, but they seem both knowledgeable and caring, and will understand the bond that keepers form with a fish like an Oscar. It's worth a shot.

I can't make false promises, because I have no idea what is happening here, but I do urge you not to give up hope, even if it looks very bad right now. She's showing a lot of life still, so the battle isn't over. Have seen fish recover that you would swear couldn't survive, including one that was on its side on the bottom of its tank, bleeding a lot and barely breathing. Yet it recovered with the right treatment. A youtuber I like a lot found a small fish on the floor that had jumped out, and it was almost dried out. He held it with its face towards the filter output so water flowed over its gills, and held it there for 15 minutes as it slowly revived. Saw the video footage he took. Like fish CPR.

I almost lost my elderly dog last month. He went downhill rapidly, and I was devastated, convinced we'd lose him. Vet said either a very bad stomach bug that could kill him, or his organs were failing. She was very sympathetic, and warned me that it didn't look good. At 14, with the health problems he already had, I was absolutely expecting the worst, and I think the vet was too. I had to nurse him and carry him down the garden, beg him to eat and drink. He recovered and is doing so well.

Don't give up hope until it really is too late.
Don't feel like you're bothering them. You had a plan, but you cannot get the right meds, so you need a new plan. I don't know the people there, but they seem both knowledgeable and caring, and will understand the bond that keepers form with a fish like an Oscar. It's worth a shot.

I can't make false promises, because I have no idea what is happening here, but I do urge you not to give up hope, even if it looks very bad right now. She's showing a lot of life still, so the battle isn't over. Have seen fish recover that you would swear couldn't survive, including one that was on its side on the bottom of its tank, bleeding a lot and barely breathing. Yet it recovered with the right treatment. A youtuber I like a lot found a small fish on the floor that had jumped out, and it was almost dried out. He held it with its face towards the filter output so water flowed over its gills, and held it there for 15 minutes as it slowly revived. Saw the video footage he took. Like fish CPR.

I almost lost my elderly dog last month. He went downhill rapidly, and I was devastated, convinced we'd lose him. Vet said either a very bad stomach bug that could kill him, or his organs were failing. She was very sympathetic, and warned me that it didn't look good. At 14, with the health problems he already had, I was absolutely expecting the worst, and I think the vet was too. I had to nurse him and carry him down the garden, beg him to eat and drink. He recovered and is doing so well.

Don't give up hope until it really is too late.
Wow thank you so much! really what I needed to hear :) need all the love possible, thanks a lot for sharing that story and so happy to hear about your dog! This feels identical to when my dog was sick years ago, except I feel even more helpless now and wish I could of done more. I know oscars can live to 14 she’s only a baby :/
Wow thank you so much! really what I needed to hear :) need all the love possible, thanks a lot for sharing that story and so happy to hear about your dog! This feels identical to when my dog was sick years ago, except I feel even more helpless now and wish I could of done more. I know oscars can live to 14 she’s only a baby :/
I wish I could give you answers as to what's going on with her and how to fix it, it's just something I've never encountered, and I don't have the skills and experience to help. But I can definitely offer emotional support, because all of us that love our pets and have been through crises and losses know the feelings you're having right now very well. It's a horrible helpless position to be in, with a lot of guilt and frustration.
I'm glad if I was able to help in a small way, and you have to know that you're already doing everything you can for her. Please don't give yourself too hard a time or assume the worst yet, she is still fighting, so you have to focus on finding answers and doing your best for her now, not beating yourself up for the past or the future, since that won't help either of you.

I hope WWM are able to get back to you soon and suggest another solution, please keep us updated. Will send you both positive energy and cyber hugs if wanted:friends:
UPDATE I drove 4 hours and was able to get levamisole HYDROCHLORIDE starting tonight!!! This is my last resort I’ve heard this is the best of the best any advice on dosing, doing 3ppm works out to just under 1 gram for my 75 gallon.
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Nothing has happened, the levimisole @3ppm “just under 1 gram for my 75 gallon” has made her zoom around and lose her appetite :/:/ Here’s another pic of the black thing that’s still there is this a parasite? Should I up the dose on levamisole? I have fenbendazole flakes coming for Monday. Really hope her organs aren’t failing and I’m just prolonging her suffering:/
I’m sorry if any of you have seen me post about this before but I really need help, my 3yr old oscar still bloated “3 weeks” her anus is swollen stomach and fins, she still swims right up to me interested in food at times not feeding her much, she acting more agitated Now than ever. I have fenbendazole flakes arriving tomorrow. I tried Metronidazole religiously. Than levimisole from agrilabs at 4ppm just about a gram for my 75 gallon tank. Within an hour she completely changed very agitated zooming around tank. The levimisole also made her resent food for 2-3 days like even scared of the smell of it. I did a very low dose to, I’ve heard up to 13ppm some people use 5g per 100gallon.”5 days ago” should I do second dose???? I’m not even sure if she has worms but for a week she’s had this black worm or thread. levimisole had no effect at all? I can’t find any info on black worms or anything. 3 weeks researching every day calling vets still no idea what’s going on. At first maybe really bad constipation but she can still pass peas. Either a bad protozoan infection, or I think she may have a bad nematode infestation. She does swim erratically when pooping even weeks leading up to this before bloat would swim erratically at times when pooping Please any advice/comments thanks a lot.
Sorry for the late reply but how is the fish doing?
Sadly once the damage has been done to the organs by internal parasites it hard to save the fish.
This is a good site that might help you out.

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