Vote Now!.....August 2020 Tank of the Month Contest (30 US gallons and larger)

Vote for August 2020 Tank of the Month

  • Meg0000

    Votes: 16 14.2%
  • JBwrench

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • GLAB

    Votes: 7 6.2%
  • KevinZ

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • SACichlids75

    Votes: 6 5.3%
  • Blackwater guru

    Votes: 4 3.5%
  • Flushable Pets

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • dmpfishlover

    Votes: 30 26.5%
  • mbsqw1d

    Votes: 38 33.6%
  • FishkeeperLinz

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
PLEASE VOTE! .................

We have 10 high quality tank setups for Fishforums' August 2020 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 30 US gallons and larger. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for TOTM and then click the "Cast" button.

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on.

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. This thread will be cleaned up occasionally for best readability.

Poll will close on August 15th at 1:56 PM EST. We at thank you for your participation.
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Hi, this is my 55 gallon aquarium!
I setup this tank 4 months ago, I found it at a very low price so I couldn't resist to get it! I would describe it as a jungle style aquarium, it is also very simple in term of fish stocking and plants.

Fish: 10 hengeli rasboras, 3 pearl gourami, 8 aeneus corydoras, 2 amano shrimp,1 zebra nerite snail

Plants: Frogbit, duckweed, hydroctyle leucocephala, trident java fern, regular java fern, anubias, cryptocoryne wendtii, ludwigia arcuata, hygrophila angustifolia (not sure about this one), spiky moss, vallisneria

All of these plants are easy to grow in my experience but the ludwigia arcuata might be a little bit more difficult to grow.

Fertilizer: about 5 to 7 ml of seachem comprehensive a week

Substrate: caribsea sand and caribsea peace river gravel at the back of the rocks.

Good luck to everyone!
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135 gallon acrylic tank on my patio(tropical climate region)
Home to:
1 Black ghost knife fish
1 Rope fish
2 common plecos
2 oscars,1 albino 1 tiger.
2 angel fish
1 s.a.e
1 baby bull frog
2 dozen or so apple snails.
Filter is a D.I.Y above tank media box with foam ceramics a u.v sterilizer and four bags of purigen.
Powered by a 120 g.p.h power head.
1250 g.p.h wave maker a 400 g.p.h power head
Tetra whisper 150 powers 3 18in air bars inside the tank.
Plants are Vals(which have taken over the tank),Rush( house plant), I have pothos suspended in the back of the tank and has adjusted well too high light levels.
Tank fluctuates 8 to 10 degrees daily from 72 to 82 on a hot day.
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Tank Size: 35 Gallons 35” x 15” x 15”

Tank Type: Acrylic

Original Purchase Date: Purchased used in 1983, actual age unknown

Tank re-started after two years being idle: February 2020

Location in home: Office

Fish: 4 Black Skirt Tetras, 9 Celestial Pearl Danios, 4 Venezuelan Pygmy Cory (Corydoras habrosus), 4 Otocinclus, 9 Lambchop Rasbora (Trigonostigma espei)

Feeding: TetraColor Tropical flakes and Hikari Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms; Small amount of each twice a day until satisfied. Hikari Sinking Wafers for the Cory's and Oto's, every other day.

Plants: Java Fern, Ludwigia Ovalis, Vallisneria Asiatica, Vesicularia Dubyana (Java Moss), Seachem Flourish comprehensive minimum dose once a week.

Filtration: Aquaclear HOB filter, two Cobalt Powerheads for undergravel filter (Rena Aquatic), Two Sponge filters (Filter-Max II) attached to HOB filter inlet. 35% water changes once a week.

Lighting: Arcadia T5 HO LED “Tropical Pro” and Arcadia T5 HO LED “Freshwater Pro 8000K”

Water Parameters: Well water as source; Nitrite Not measurable, Nitrate .26 mg/L,
pH 8.0, TDS 280. Hardness measured via test strip approx 350 ppm. Temp. 76 F
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Hello, This is my 66 Gallons Long-Tank.
Set up from 2 month ago.

Fish: 11 Congo Tetra & 9 Albino Corys
Invertebrate: Around 30+ Cherry Shrimp

Plant: Anubias Nana, Anubias Petite, Water Wisteria, Java Fern, Paris Bucephalandra, Fissidens Moss & Amazon Frogbit.
No Fertilizer used.

Feeding: Tetra Rubin Flakes, Mosquito Larvae, & Tubifex Worms (Frozen & Live)

Filtration: 380 Liter Biofoam Filter & 20% Weekly Water Change.
(Tank Only Fill up to 65%).

Lightning: White LED Light strips. 10 Hours/Day
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Greetings to everyone! This is my 55 Gallon mostly South American Tank. It's one of my 8 tanks, but is the only one that is in the Living Room. The tank has been running for a little over a year now.

Black Neon Tetras
Black Skirt Tetras
Brilliant Rasboras
Panda, Albino, Emerald Corys
Clown Pleco
2 Bolivian Rams
2 Keyhole Cichlids
2 Electric Blue Acaras
2 Pearl Gouramis
5 Nerite Snails
2-3 Amano Shrimp (somewhere hidden and only come out during water changes)

2 Homemade Sponge Filters
2 Penguin 350 Biowheels

Nicrew SkyLED

Various Amazon Swords, Java Fern, Anubias, Marimo Moss Balls. Dose 2 pumps of ThriveC twice a week

Driftwood, Dragon Stone, Leaf Litter, and stone, and pods are all across the tank.

I do a weekly water change of 40-60% on Saturday mornings. Typically feed once a day with 1-2 fast days a week. Feed varied Shrimp Pellets, Granules, Frozen Foods, Blood Worms...I like to mix it up to keep it interesting.
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Hello everyone it's me the blackwater guru also known as axelrodi mansion on YouTube and today I will present to you my first aquarium so far that I built in early January this year.

In total this tank can hold up to 145 liters of water in an environment designed to mimic the Amazonian rainforest I have around 40 fishes and those are 15 wild caught cardinal tetras , 10 white tip tetras , 8 corydoras duplicareus catfish, 2 octocinclus catfish , 5 wild caught marbled hatchetfish , 2 german blue ram cichlids or as they are commonly called in Sweden butterfly cichlid.

I don't have a test kit for anything besides pH but it has worked for me anyways because I do water changes once a week and generally speaking our tap water is neutral at 7.0 so the pH is usually somewhere between 6.5 to 7.0 which is what these fish should have especially with wild caught specimens from tropical south america.

When I perform 25 % water changes and clean the gravel once a week I always make sure to add 5-6 drops of fertiliser to help my plants grow although I can't remember the name of it.

I am not sure what my lighting is but I do know that I have a timer and a dimmer installed to control the light levels along with the colours and how long it stays on.

I currently run an undergravel filter system that uses a powerhead to do it's job and it has been working so well despite the negative rap it frequently gets, even the local fish store I usually visit has used undergravel filters for decades in their display tanks with no problems at all and very rarely any cleaning needed of the filter if at all which would require tearing apart the tank.

Maintenance on the tank is done once a week usually on fridays and that includes cleaning the glass with my sponge , vacuuming the gravel to keep my undergravel filter effective and operational,and of course changing the water and after that I add my fertiliser and if I feel like it I will add roibos tea and dried oak leaves to create that amazonian natural look to it.

I am not too sure on my plants but I do know I have sword plants and some salvinia floating plants .

Feeding is typically done once a day in the evening where I feed them frozen mosquito larvae and a frozen shrimp mix and they devour it really quickly especially the mosquito larvae which they can finish eating in under a minute or so depending on the portion size.

All the driftwood you see in the image is wild collected driftwood that has been collected from the forests in the Swedish countryside where I live although they were treated beforehand and it's the same thing with the rocks.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my tank and that you find my tank good looking, may the best man win this contest.
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My low budget, low tech guppy and snail tank filled with leftover decor and plants we had from another build.

Size: 40 breeder, purchased two used for $40 for both!
Stand: Imaginarium metal stand
Age: 2 months (excluding cycling time)
Inhabitants: Various guppies and a gazillion pond snails, fed twice daily TetraMin Tropical Flakes
Filtration: 2x Tetra Whisper 40i
Substrate: PFS
Decor: 6x mopani, miscellaneous artificial plants
Live plants: Hornwort, elodea, milfoil, water lettuce, duckweed and I think there might be a few Salvinia floating around somewhere.
HOB live plants: Pothos, chamaedorea, aglaonema, spathiphyllum
Ferts: Aqueon Plant Food
Parameters: 78°F, Ammonia/Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, pH 7.4
Lighting: Walmart daylight LED bar and LED grow lights
Maintenance: Typical weekly 25% WC and light fertilizing.
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This is my 55 gallon planted aquarium. It was set up about 3 to 4 months ago. I did a fishless cycle and then added live plants.

Filtration: 2 HOB Marineland Penguin Bio Wheel Filters - Modified to include filter floss/sponge and Bio Media as well as peices of lava rock.
Lights: 2 LED light strips, built into hood/cover (not sure of manufacturer, they came with the tank)
Heater: Not sure of manufacturer, it came with the tank

Temperature: 77 - 78 F
GH: 143 ppm
PH: 7.5
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: < 5 ppm

Amazon Swords
Jungle Val
Anubias Nana
Anubias Nana petite
Java Fern Windelov
Cryptocoryn Undulata Red
Dwarf Hair grass
Water Sprite

Substrate: Beige Pool Filter Sand
Mopani and Malaysian Driftwood
Locally found (and tested) Stones/Rocks

2 Bolivian Rams
3 Mystery Snails

I have 20 Harlequin Rasboras on order through my LFS, but they have yet to come in. I am having a hard time finding the fish species I want, in the numbers I want right now.

Future Stocking Plans:
20 Harlequin Rasboras
15 Cardinal Tetras
20 Rummynose Tetras
10 - 15 Platinum Hatchetfish
10 Pencil Fish
15 - 20 Corydoras
1 BN Pleco

I am loving my tank and set up and can't wait to add more fish!!!!

Oooops, forgot to add...

Seachem Flourish Root Tabs
Seachem Flourish Comprehensive (1 capfull weekly after water change)

50 - 75% Water Change weekly (depending on water parameter values and how "dirty" the tank is.)
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Fluval Roma 52 gallon / 200 litre planted aquarium setup during lock-down using planted cycle method.

Filtration: APS 1400EH+ and another cheapo powerhead for circulation.

Lights: Fluval LED 3.0 Plant
Heater: Fluval E-series

Temperature: 72 F / 22 C
GH: 5.7 (German Degrees)
PH: 7.7
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: < 10 ppm

Eleocharis parvula
Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B'
Ludwigia palustris
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Echinodorus 'Bleherae'
Alternanthera reineckii Rosanervig
Anubias nana
Anubias barteri
Java Fern Trident
Java Fern
Crypt Beckettii
Taxiphyllum 'Spiky'
Floating: salvinia and frogbit

Substrate: Sand
4 x pieces of Bogwood
Stones/Rocks from the beach
Almond leaves

12 Peppered Corydora (+ 3 eggs!)
20 ish Red Cherry Shrimp
Millions (probably) Malaysian Trumpet Snails

Future Stocking Plans:
15 - 20 x Barb .. either Pentazona, Black Ruby or Odessa
15 - 20 Tetra .. haven't got round to figuring out which type
Some dither fish, perhaps danios?

TNC Root Tabs
TNC complete (1 ml per day)
Co2 injection at 1 bubble per second

50 - 75% Water Change every week (conditioned with Seachem Prime)
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200ltr/55gal tank

13 Neon Tetra
10 Glowlight Rasboras
1 male Bristlenosed Plec
1 juvenile Pearl Gourami
3 German Blue Rams (2 EBR, 1 "original'" female)

Filter: Fluval 306 external
Heater: 200w

Water change:. 25-30% twice a week (50-60% a week). Sand vacuumed.

Water parameters:.
Ammonia 0ppm,
Nitrite, 0ppm,
Nitrate under 5ppm,
PH:. 6.2
GH:. 3dH
KH:. 2dH

Plants;. Elodea Densa/Anachris, Amazon Sword plants, a few more whose names I don't know.
2 coconut halves,
5 or more pieces of driftwood
Indian Almond leaves
Alder cones
1 rock
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Please slowly scroll up as you review the 10 entries and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of this thread.
Thanks for participating in our contests!

In mid August, we will be starting our Fish of the Month contest. This month, we will feature Gouramis. If you have a Gourami in your household, we hope you will enter the contest.
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We have a winner! mbsqw1d
If you'd like to congratulate her, head over to the winner's thread HERE

Next up is our Fish of the Month contest featuring Gouramis. If you have a Gourami in one of your tanks, we hope you will enter the contest.

Thanks to all who participated in this month's contest!
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