Hair algae problem.

Tropical Tony

Fish Crazy
May 4, 2020
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Hi guys. Hope you’re all well. I’m having a algae/hair algae problem. Keeps growing on my plants and rocks and even just the normal green algae. My phosphates are high in my tap water so I have phosphate remover filter media which has brought it down a little. I only have the light on for 4-5 hours a day (I’d like to have it on more) and the tank is not in any direct sunlight. Any ideas why I’m having this algae problem?
I did but I stopped about 2 weeks ago. I’ve been away for 5 days and come back and there’s a small buildup of algae. It’s a little bit frustrating haha.
I did but I stopped about 2 weeks ago. I’ve been away for 5 days and come back and there’s a small buildup of algae. It’s a little bit frustrating haha.
Its all a balancing act between plant and algae growth. Algae could be taking advantage of you stopping with the ferts; i find algae tends to appear when some sort of change has been introduced. Theyre far quicker at adapting than plants are.
Go back to dosing ferts and you'll have to manually remove as much hair algae as you can.
Its all a balancing act between plant and algae growth. Algae could be taking advantage of you stopping with the ferts; i find algae tends to appear when some sort of change has been introduced. Theyre far quicker at adapting than plants are.
Go back to dosing ferts and you'll have to manually remove as much hair algae as you can.

I did introduce a new light about a month ago to help the plants it’s a blue and pink one. But like I say I only have. The lights on for 4-5 hour a day.
Blue and pink light is likely the so-called "plant" light spectrum which is actually not as good as basic white light that is around 6500K. I have tried some of the "plant" tubes and algae can be a problem because the light is not adequate for the plants, in spite of the name. Can you give us the specs on the lighting?
Use a toothbrush in a spiral motion to remove as much of the hair algae as you can.

Also, reduce lighting. I know you already said you did, so keep it up. Algae grows when there is a lot of nitrate. What are your nitrate readings?
Thanks for the replies. I can’t control the colours of the lights. I have a pure white light which come with the tank that’s 6500k. The second one is an additional light called the Ciano CLE80 plants. Can’t find the kelvin rating for that on their site.
In terms Of plants I have quite a lot. Dwarf hair grass pink reikinii, java moss, hydrocotyle triapatia, siamensis 53b, Ludwigia palustris mini super red, hygrophila polysperma, brasiliensis, cryptocoryne balansae and probably a few others haha sorry for the list haha.

here’s some pictures of the algae growth
If this Ciano CLE80 is "additional," can you turn it off and leave the white on? Or remove it? The white at 6500K is perfect light for planted tanks.
Do you have a full shot of your tank? looks incredible from these pics
I can turn it off but since I’ve put it on the plants seem to be growing at a faster rate. They still grow with the white but just really slowly. I think I’ve got some green spot algae on a lot of the plants leave too
Use a toothbrush in a spiral motion to remove as much of the hair algae as you can.

Also, reduce lighting. I know you already said you did, so keep it up. Algae grows when there is a lot of nitrate. What are your nitrate readings?

just tested my nitrates and they are 5. This shouldn’t be a problem right?

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