What kind of fish did I buy??


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Jul 26, 2020
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I bought it from pet goods and it said it was a red terror but I’m not sure what it is
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Possible to be a Red Terror...
Its a very aggressive fish...

Do you have any more photos? They look a bit stressed here so not 100% on what it is. Not sure if it is a red terror as with stripes it would be female and the body shape looks more male, but it could be a stressed male showing bars?
Do you have any more photos? They look a bit stressed here so not 100% on what it is. Not sure if it is a red terror as with stripes it would be female and the body shape looks more male, but it could be a stressed male showing bars?


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I think thats a Mayan Cichlid actually - Cichlasoma Urophthalmus... bit of a beast to say the least potentially a 40cm monster! Pics on this profile are of young fish so worth checking around the net to see if you agree but the information here it excellent.

What are you keeping them with? Did I see an african in some of the original photos?

I think thats a Mayan Cichlid actually - Cichlasoma Urophthalmus... bit of a beast to say the least potentially a 40cm monster! Pics on this profile are of young fish so worth checking around the net to see if you agree but the information here it excellent.

What are you keeping them with? Did I see an african in some of the original photos?

Right now it’s with 2 Oscars, a jack Dempsey, fire mouth, convict, and one mbuna that I got as a gift from someone
Is this the 125gallon tank? I'd say stocked (riskily) at 1 Oscar, JD, FM and Con - I'm still wincing as I'm saying that though. Got to be really careful with cichlids even in big tanks, I used to have a 135 gallon and I wouldnt put that mix in there, I dont think it will work medium/long term. Maybe some luck in the short term.

Is this the 125gallon tank? I'd say stocked (riskily) at 1 Oscar, JD, FM and Con - I'm still wincing as I'm saying that though. Got to be really careful with cichlids even in big tanks, I used to have a 135 gallon and I wouldnt put that mix in there, I dont think it will work medium/long term. Maybe some luck in the short term.

Surprisingly I’ve have all them in there for over a year and it’s been pretty good.
We’re they all small when you got them? 12-18 months old they will will be getting to maturity. With big cichlids there is always an element of risk but you just need to balance it and for me this doesn’t feel that balanced
We’re they all small when you got them? 12-18 months old they will will be getting to maturity. With big cichlids there is always an element of risk but you just need to balance it and for me this doesn’t feel that balanced
I got them when they were all babies. How do you think I could balance it more?
So you potentially have a 16 inch Mayan, 2x 12 inch Oscars (could get bigger), 10-8 inch JD, 6 inch Firemouth and 6 inch Convict.

Being added as youngsters can help and a hierachy can be established that can last but when they 'come of age' it can go out the window, if your Oscars end up pairing too that would be a nightmare.

The balance is picking the right species from the outset, planning dither fish. Non cichlids that are fast enough and tough enough to dodge and dive, also open water swimmers that will give the cichlids confidence and chill them out a bit. In a 125 if I was planning the tank from scratch I would have chosen either just the Oscars (depending on footprint) or the JD, FM and Con, maybe with a few more in this size region. The Mayan and the Mbuna are not really suitable for this tank and I would recommend making some choices to make your odds of long term success better.

Don't forget that some of these fish can live upto 20 years. I had a Severum that was at least 14 years old when she passed and her first owner got her as an adult. Equally through my own mistake my Nicaraguan (in my profile picutre) was killed at just over 2 years old because I put too many cichlids together and my luck ran out. Still gutted about it now a number of years later.

Don't forget that some of these fish can live upto 20 years. I had a Severum that was at least 14 years old when she passed and her first owner got her as an adult. Equally through my own mistake my Nicaraguan (in my profile picutre) was killed at just over 2 years old because I put too many cichlids together and my luck ran out. Still gutted about it now a number of years later.

I'm sorry you lost your fish :(

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