75 gallon with Surprise Babies and Eggs


New Member
Apr 6, 2020
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Hello. I've had aquariums over the years from 10 to 125 gallons. This 1 1/2 year-old 75 gallon has been a fun surprise. My male albino bristle nose stayed in a rock cave for months with 2 adult females in the aquarium (pictured). I eventually took the females and most of the juveniles to sell back to my fish store. I have an angelfish pair that has laid eggs several times (pictured). Some day I may move the eggs into my quarantine tank. A few juvenile panda corydoras have appeared. They are so cute. I'll try to get a pic of one of them.


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Congratulations - sounds like you have quite a knack for breeding. I had some unexpected Gourami's lay eggs - no idea how many. We were able to save 3 of them - I had just bought a 50 gallon tank so I could fit everybody then they have babies!! instructions next time is just don't notice. Bristlenose are impossible to get right now both locally and at all the reputible online stores right now but what I'm really looking for are Dojos - my favorite fish and wonderful snail eater. I have one over 8" long but tthey are so thin they don't take up much space. I had a list of about 25 different species of fishes I wanted to purchase, then couldn't find any of them online or in stores. Sombody is (mysteriouisly) following me around online then buying up everything I want LOL.

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