

Fish Crazy
May 20, 2020
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Hi all,

can someone tell me why my frogbit has brown marks on leaves? I don’t use fertiliser, should I? If so any recommendations?
I have a 10g Betta tank, with Anubias, java fern, Marimo moss balls and the frogbit. All advice much appreciated.
Also I have a slight film on water surface, more so where the frogbit is.
Looks pretty nice.
I dont see any problems here. Most of frogbit will turn a little bit brown bc of water movement. And i also have the film at my frogbit area. Idk what is it or where it came from. :fish: someone might answer that. But i dont think its harmfull since i have them for about 2 month in my 66 gals
The film is biofilm that is a collection of bacteria that lives on plants. Symbiotic relationship that helps the plant to go and thrive and fight off disease etc
Too much (if it coats the entire surface) can cause problems with gas exchange and so you should always aim to have some agitation on the surface from either airstone bubbles or filter outlet
The film is biofilm that is a collection of bacteria that lives on plants. Symbiotic relationship that helps the plant to go and thrive and fight off disease etc
Too much (if it coats the entire surface) can cause problems with gas exchange and so you should always aim to have some agitation on the surface from either airstone bubbles or filter outlet
I do have the filter outlet on the surface but have baffled it with a soap dish, I also have the plants contained in a floating plant ring, would a skimmer be a good idea? And should I be using fertiliser?
You can use ferts if you wish... I really don't see anything wrong with your frog bit.

Keep them in the plant ring, they will grow better in calm water.
I do have the filter outlet on the surface but have baffled it with a soap dish, I also have the plants contained in a floating plant ring, would a skimmer be a good idea? And should I be using fertiliser?
Skimmers are personal preference but depends kike I said, how problematic the film is..

As you appear to be based in the UK, id recommend TNC Lite liquid ferts. The brown marks on the leaves could be a sign theres lack of nutrients. What other plants do you have? Are they growing ok?
Skimmers are personal preference but depends kike I said, how problematic the film is..
I have seen one on amazon for £10 and thought I could just pop it in when I get a build up, there just seems to be a lot every few days (I’ve been soaking up with a cloth).
What other plants do you have? Are they growing ok?
I have java fern, Anubias and moss balls and all are growing well! I thought it might be nutrients so wondered wether to use fertiliser just to help it along, thank you for the info.
Sorry I’ve just had a thought...... I have been removing nitrates from tap water with a nitrate removal system, now the plants are growing should I just put my tap water straight in.... this has nitrates of around 20ppm, would the added nitrate in my tap water help the frogbit then not requiring the need for fertiliser?
Sorry I’ve just had a thought...... I have been removing nitrates from tap water with a nitrate removal system, now the plants are growing should I just put my tap water straight in.... this has nitrates of around 20ppm, would the added nitrate in my tap water help the frogbit then not requiring the need for fertiliser?
Bad idea. Dont do it,
The Frogbit looks fine IMO, only if they get worse then you should try Liquid Fert. Afterall even if you lose some frogbit all you need is to wait 1 month and a single of frogbit will cover your surface area,
(Depend on your surface ;))
20 ppm is really too high for Nano Fish. (If you stock them):fish:
The frog bit does look very healthy tbh and I'll take your word that your other plants are too, so yeh, no real need for ferts as its going. The ferts, particularly the one i mentioned, does not contain nitrate, but other 'essential' nutrients such as iron. Tnc complete contains nitrate, and is more for very heavily planted tanks with low fish stock.
I'd keep with conditioning your tap water as you are. I use Seachem Prime to remove chlorine but it also removes some ammonia and nitrate too.
+1 for they look great just as they are.
Everyone says my frogbit looks good but if you look at the individual leaves some of them are actually quite grotty - don't care because I only see them at water change time :whistle:

This is exactly how my Frogbit has grown for more than 10 years now. And I know I have the temperate species (written about this elsewhere). At each weekly water change I cut off all leaves that are yellowing at the edges. The Frogbit is expanding quite rapidly nonetheless.
+1 for they look great just as they are.
Everyone says my frogbit looks good but if you look at the individual leaves some of them are actually quite grotty - don't care because I only see them at water change time :whistle:
This is AMAZING! Bazingless! Can't wait for my frogbit to take over my tank now.:rofl::rofl:

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