Golden gouramis

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Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2020
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Hi all, I have a gold gourami who has outgrown the ordinary ones and is a magnificent fish, so after a period of deaths, all now is well.
My question is,,, can I have more than one .? It's aggressive to the 3 spot but fine with all others.
Thanks, it's fine with the other orange gourami as well as other fish, it's just the blue 3 spot it chases about. The question was tho... Can I have more than 1 , I think some call them honey gouramis ?
What species of gourami do you currently have?

It is not usually regarded as a good idea to have more than one species per tank.
If you have one species of gourami, that is all you should attempt. The exception is with some of the very small and rarer species. But as essjay mentioned, the species here is Trichopodus trichopterus which is one of the most aggressive for its size, and there are many developed varieties that all share this trait. Usually it is the male that aggressively defends "his" tank space, but females have been known to kill even non-gourami tankmates. Don't push the envelope and risk all the fish, and be prepared to remove the aggressor if it worsens.
When you say gold gourami do you mean honey gourami? You mention an orange gourami as well.

Can you post photos of all the gouramis in the tank, please, so we know which species of gourami we are talking about.
Thanks for the advise. The honey one only pushes the 3 spot around. As can be seen my tank is pretty bare after that rampant infection I had after adding some fish , but it didn't quite wipe out my tank so it will slowly come back, hence the lack of plants due to salt treatment, but thank all for saving the tank.


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The two gouramis in the photos are a gold gourami (a gold coloured 3 spot) and something that looks like a red honey gourami or a red robin gourami. There is some argument as to whether these are honey gouramis or red thick-lip gouramis, or even thick-lip/honey hybrids.

But whatever the second gourami is, keeping more than one gourami species in the same tank is not recommended. The behaviour you are seeing is the reason why, I'm afraid.
The second gourami looks like a dwarf gourami, red flame colour variant. It has a bit of blue in the dorsal fin which neither the honey nor thick lipped have.
Oooh, that bit of blue doesn't show well on my screen but I've had another look and you could be right.

If it is a dwarf it's a male being that colour, and male dwarf gouramis are notoriously aggressive. But then so are all the colours of 3 spot (we have a member who had a female 3 spot kill all the other fish in the tank) so the gold gourami could well turn on the red one.

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