Ich advise


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 2, 2020
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I have a well stocked tank up to 20 fish , I noticed a few days ago that both my blue Acaras have what looked like glitter on there fins and head so i assume straight away it’s ich so I crank the tank temp up to 83 added diseases clear keeping lights off for most of the day and recently added some salt to my water ( very reluctantly) and they still have it , no other fish in my tank has any white spots at all just the acara , have I jumped the gun and it’s not ich or can it effect just certain fish , plus my acara are not acting strange and they are as greedy as ever , any advice ??
Can you post a photo or video of the infected fish? "Glitter" would suggest velvet rather than ich which will be distinct white spots, though flashing usually preceeds the external signs. If this is either, raising the temperature to 86F with no additives should deal with it in a week. But photos/video may tell us more.
Can you post a photo or video of the infected fish? "Glitter" would suggest velvet rather than ich which will be distinct white spots, though flashing usually preceeds the external signs. If this is either, raising the temperature to 86F with no additives should deal with it in a week. But photos/video may tell us more.
Other members with more "disease" experience may have an idea, I can't tell from the photo. Additinalinfo will help too...how long has the tank been running, was anything new (fish, invertebrates, plants) added recently. Water change schedule, etc.
Tank has been established a while couldn’t say how long exactly but over 12 months , I Put a pair of convicts Cichlidae in but my acara already had this by then and before tht they were the news entries themselves and bought of a licensed breeder , I water change 15 - 20 % every 3-4 days as I gravel vac ,I’m at a loss to be honest as no other fish has this , A man in my local pet shop said that sometimes this can happen when a fish is changing colour ?? Dunno how true this is , I’m worried only because iv not had it happen before but the fish themselves haven’t changed they are probably the most active and greedy fish I have
Shine a flashlight on the fish when the tank lights are off. Does it sparkle in a gold sheen? If so its velvet

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