Vote Now...July 2020 Pet of the Month contest.

Vote now for July 2020 Pet of the Month

  • NCaquatics

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • JBAwrench

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • corylover5

    Votes: 25 49.0%
  • lazarusthefishboy10

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • LittleBlueGuppy

    Votes: 2 3.9%
  • sadness child

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • Shiverz

    Votes: 2 3.9%
  • FishFinatic77

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • JuiceBox52

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • PhantomCarp

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA

We have 10 handsome pets entered into the July 2020 Pet of the Month Contest. View all the pets and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for POTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific pet in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken.

Poll will close on July 25th at 4:55 PM EST.
Thread will periodically be cleaned up for readability.
We at thank you for your participation
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My entry:

Her name is Destiny. She was a stray off the street we took in 9 years ago. She is at least 12 years old or older now.

We had looked for her old owners for weeks but no one came forward for her. She had showed up in my mother in law's neighborhood and her neighbors had been feeding her.

She immediately went to my husband, who was sad he had to leave his family cat behind when he left home. It was odd she picked him out of us calling her over, so we named her Destiny for it.

However a few months after having her, she began developing tumors on her belly. Within 2 weeks they grew from the size of a pea to the size of a softball. It ended up being breast cancer.

She had 5 tumors removed and a partial mastectomy to remove the affected tissue. Since the surgery, for the past 9 years she has been totally cancer free.

She is a quiet cat, very friendly and outgoing, even when strangers visit. She wants to know who they are and greets everyone. She sleeps on me every night and loves belly rubs. She has fur as light and fluffy as a cloud.
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This is Helix. He is a 1 year old Blue eyed white mini Rex rabbit. I got him from a local breeder when he was a few months old. He has a pedigree and a bloodline from show rabbits.
He lives in a large hutch outside in a screened in sun room but he comes inside every day to run around and play. He will also come inside if it is too cold or hot out, then he stays inside in a large cage.
He gets 1/3 cup of Oxbow Essentials adult rabbit food a day sprinkled with Kaytee Natural Toppings. He gets unlimited Timothy Hay and fresh water each day. He is fed a few Alfalfa cubes each week as well.
Some of his favorite treats include fresh strawberries, rose petals, banana, Russel rabbit carrot treats, and fresh herbs.
He knows a lot of tricks, a few including spinning in a circle, walking on his hind legs, and standing up and putting his 2 front paws on my hand.
Some of his favorite things to do are sprinting up and down stairs, running through a tunnel, flopping over and sleeping, jumping around and doing his "happy hop"(I call it happy hop but it's technically called a Binky), following people around, and jumping on the couch when no one is looking.
He gets to go outside 5 or more times a week on a harness to eat grass or in a pet stroller to go on a walk.
Helix is a very sweet and loving bunny who is always a happy little rabbit.
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This is Lenny!
He is 5 years old turning 6 in August
He is a pure breed of Border Collie (dog)
He is a smouchie pooch who never leaves our side. We'll let him outside out of the gate, and if we don't keep an eye on him, he'll still stick around and NEVER run away. he always wants to be by our side no matter what.
The top image is him in his bed at my beach house taken a few days ago
The second photo is him in his bed at our actual house, taken a few minutes ago.
I hope you like him, because I sure do! Wait! No! I don't LIKE him! I LOVE him!!!:p
Have an outstanding day everyone!!!
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July 2020 TFF POTM

This is Shadow, she’s a female, and we’ve had her about 5 years now.

My brother was hiking one day and found her in a blackberry bush. Didn’t think much of it because we have a lot of stray cats around, but she followed him home and waited on our driveway. I saw her out my window and it was love at first sight. I ran out and started playing with her and cuddling her and eventually feeding her, and pretty soon she is my cat. She is my literal shadow, she follows me EVERYWHERE, no joke. She follows me around the property, when I go hiking, when I ride my bike, everywhere. She is a super sweet cat, she is a purr-head, loves cuddles, begs for attention 24/7, supper needy. She is an awesome cat, and everyone loves her, including strangers. She loves people so much, she has no reservations with strangers. She literally jumped in the UPS truck trying to get love from the UPS man. I don’t know what I’d do without my little Shadow.

Forgot to mention, she is also trained! She is a super trainable cat. She will sit, spin, lay down, and sorta-half-play-dead when I say “BANG”

Shadow also “climbs” me when she wants attention. She’s will put her two front paws up on my knees and beg. She will also stand on two paws and butt her head into my hand when I lean over.
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This is my beloved doggo Deevo. He is currently 2 years old. He is a Border Collie Whippet mix we suspect, we adopted him on veterans day and they had said that he was a pitbull mix.

We do everything a great dog owner does for there dog, we give him squeaky toys which are his favorite, he will only fetch a squeaky ball, he will not bring back a ball that does not squeak. He knows all of the standard tricks a dog has to know along with shake, high five, and stand. He has a small case of separation anxiety, but we are working on that. He will bark and jump at anybody he does not know, and he loves to chase ANYTHING that moves or makes noise. He loves chasing the squirrels that get in our barn and tear up the barn, and eat chicken food. He also loves chasing the bunnies that live int eh woodpile that we have. So far he has caught one bunny (that lived), he killed a squirrel that was hiding in our Jeep, and he killed 4 of our chickens. We are currently training him for flyball, so he can concentrate his energy on that and not the chickens.
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Sparta POTM.png

This is Sparta, it's mainly my partners cat but we love her both equally, she is one of two cats in our household.

Make no mistake, Sparta is no pet, calling her a pet would dishonour her ruling over this household. We are her trustworthy servants who provide her with any care she requires regardless of the time of day. In fact the picture with the POTM paper in, was taken on quite a messy bed as she was sleeping on it and I knew if I made it it would wake her up and she'd be very upset with me. She is a picky eater and will often turn her nose up at fresh meats and even cat food. In fact she only eats one type of cat "meat" and it's wiska's soups, she often has a variety of fish she eats with my partner, namely salmon and prawns. Yet her true love is cat biscuits, only fresh will do, if it's been out for more then half a day she's not interested.

We got sparta from my fathers house. His wife at the the time brought sparta home despite their house being overcrowded, with little room they had to get rid of a pet, and my father's philosophy is that the newest goes first. My partner saw Sparta (mittens at the time) and instantly said "we'll have her" (I had no say in the matter, I rarely ever do), that is how we got her and we haven't regretted it. We named her sparta because she was ruthless as a kitten, I was once woken up by her slapping my eye's during R.E.M. and she had her claws out, my eyes were half shut for a week, she would often hide in corners and pounce on me, again with claws out, I have a little scar on my hand from one such ambush, yet it was only ever me she attacked, when it is fussing time she goes to my partner. Now she's six years old and still thinks she's a kitten, even now I'll often get ambushed, normally when going up the stairs, last year I fell down them because she scared me so much, and whilst in pain she came down and started biting my hands thinking I was playing, little rascal.

I honestly could write about her quirks and ladyship all day, but it would make for one rather large post. Thanks for looking at Lady Sparta.
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This is Papaya, my frizzle buff cochin bantam. (The frizzle part means that her feathers stick out from her body. So yes, she is supposed to look like that.) She is almost a month old.
Together with three other chicks, she is being raised by my black australorp hen, Rocky.
Papaya is an absolute sweet heart. Every day, I pick her up and give her cuddles, and now she expects them. She walks up to me and looks up at my face, asking me to pick her up. When I do lift her, she pushes her head into my face and falls asleep.
She really loves her mom too. She is the first chick to go running after her mom, and she loves to bury herself into Rocky's feathers.
She is absolutely adorable, and I really love her.
Thanks for reading!
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This is Torchick, my sapphire gem hen :)
She is 16 weeks old. We got her and her sisters in the mail when they were a day old. They lived in a box in my bedroom for the first 5 weeks of their life and got very attached. She is a master escape artist and as soon as we put her back she gets out again.
She loves to be held and cuddled. She follows me around the yard whenever I'm out there, which is super cute. She wants to be a house chicken and comes through the open patio door about 10 times a day.
Her favourite food is plums from our tree and insects she finds in the grass. She really likes pestering my dog.
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This is Belle. She is a 6 year old puggle.(pug beagle mix). We got her a few weeks before Christmas years ago when she was a puppy. she likes to chase squirrels, bunnies, and birds, She hates the mailman and try’s to jump through the door every day when he comes by, she enjoys playing fetch but won’t give the ball back. In the summer she will jump in the pool when it gets to hot. She is overweight because my dad feeds her to much. He gives her beer to.(vet told him he could feed her as many vegetables as he wanted to so he know gives her way to many carrots every day.)In the winter she gets obsessed with the snow and will roll in it all day. She likes to chew on rocks and burry steak bones.If you pet her and stop she will smack you with her paw till you pet her again . All together she is a friendly nice dog with way to much energy that are family wouldnt be the same without.
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Please scroll up slowly as your review the 10 entries and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of this thread. Thanks for participating in our Pet of the Month Contest.

Our Tank of the Month contest resumes on August 1st. For August, the contest will feature tanks sized at 30 US gallons and larger. If you have a tank of that size, we hope you will enter the contest. It doesn't matter whether your tank is at your final goal, what's important is that you participate.
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50 votes have been cast so far...nice turnout. But let's try for a few more votes. If you haven't yet voted in this POTM contest, please VOTE NOW. Your participation in our contests is appreciated.
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