Pregnant or sick? Or both?


New Member
Jul 10, 2020
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Hi everyone,
New to this site and to keeping guppies.
I have a female guppy who I think is pregnant, (I'm assuming upwards of 23 days). I moved her into her own tank a few days ago as the males harrass her too much I thought it was too stressful for her. She has started to swim completely still at the top of the tank for two days now. Occasionally moving around the plants, but more often than not just floats up next to the filter or heater. She has gotten much bigger since I initially got her and her gravid spot is also larger.

I've attached some photos of her if someone could please give me some insight :)


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Welcome to the forum! She is definitely pregnant. Sounds like shes getting close to birthing too! :)
Welcome to the forum! She is definitely pregnant. Sounds like shes getting close to birthing too! :)
How long do you think she will behave this way for before she drops? I'm anxious that nothing is happening? Is it normal for this behaviour to last this long? What should I expect?
So many questions, sorry! Just excited and nervous.
No worries:) happy to help

She should hopefully drop her fry in the next few days.

It's totally normal. She may drop fry over a few hours or even a few days
She died :( she looked so ready to burst, was doing all the right things and showing all the signs, but no fry ever came out, she just went to the bottom of the tank and died, all in about five minutes. I was watching in disbelief.
I checked the water and nothing is out of the ordinary, why do you think this happened? Was there something I should have or could have done?

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